Guest blog - Update on Glasgow Climate Summit preparations and CBD

Guest blog by Yunus Arikan Director of Global Advocacy ● ICLEI World Secretariat - Local Governments for Sustainability On 27 July, the day after the COP26 July Ministerial, UK COP26 President Designate Alok Sharma convened a meeting with 9 Constituency Focal Points. The meeting aimed to have a frank discussion on the COP26 logistics and an exchange of information on the vision for an "inclusive climate action" which is one of the key priorities of UK COP26 Presidency. At the beginning, CPD Alok Sharma provided a basic overview on the highlights and outcomes of COP26 July Ministerial. Official communication from UK COP26 Presidency regarding the COP26 July Ministerial is available here - Ministers have renewed common mission for climate action, but more work to do says COP26 President - GOV.UK ( After hearing the questions and concerns raised by numerous CFPs, CPD Alok Sharma acknowledged the challenges and difficulties that Constituencies a...