EN/ES/FR - Join us on October 13th for the launch of ‘The People’s Environment Narrative,’ a webinar to highlight the contributions of stakeholders to UNEP@50 & Stockholm+50

ENGLISH: Save the Date – 13 October 2022, 9 AM to 11 AM EDT (New York) / 3 PM to 5 PM CEST (Brussels) / 4 PM to 6 PM EAT (Nairobi) REGISTER NOW Dear Colleagues, 50 years of struggle to safeguard the environment, 50 years of environmental accomplishments, and we’ve yet to reach our goal for a world with a safe, sound, and healthy environment. Though we can’t deny there has been some progress. On two occasions this year, the United Nations organized commemorations to mark these fifty years: UNEP@50 in March to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the UN Environment Programme, and Stockholm+50 in June to commemorate the 50 years since the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, which made the environment a pressing global issue for the first time. They reminded the global community of the original efforts to establish a common agenda to protect and preserve our precious planet. Please join us on October 13th at 9 AM New York time, as we convene to l...