
Showing posts from November, 2020

Interview with Felix Dodds - on the Negotiating the Sustainable Development Goals

  Podcast can be found here Felix Dodds is my guest on this episode of Inside Ideas with Marc Buckley. Felix Dodds has been a leading thinker in the area of global governance for thirty years. Now an Adjunct Professor at the University of North Carolina where he is the Principal Investigator for the Belmont Forum funded project Governance of Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience for Sustainable Development. At UNC he co-directed the 2014 and 2018 Nexus Conferences on Water-Food-Energy and Climate. He is secretary to the government Friends of Governance for Sustainable Development group in New York. He is also an International Ambassador for the City of Bonn. He was the UK government candidate to be the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (2019). In 2019 after a three-year campaign he succeeded in securing an annual UN General Assembly resolution on Sustainable Investment. During the SDG negotiations from 2013 to 2015, he was the advisor to the Ford Foundat

Participar eficazmente en la Asamblea de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente, comprender los Acuerdos Multilaterales sobre el Medio Ambiente y aprender a identificar formas de contribuir a la ejecución de la Estrategia y Programa de Trabajo a Mediano Plazo del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente

 SDGs Amigos y Colegas, En cooperación con la Unidad de Sociedad Civil del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente, le invitamos a participar en una serie de seminarios web en español de dos partes.   Participar eficazmente en la Asamblea de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente, comprender los Acuerdos Multilaterales sobre el Medio Ambiente y aprender a identificar formas de contribuir a la ejecución de la Estrategia y Programa de Trabajo a Mediano Plazo del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente Jueves 3 y viernes 4 de diciembre de 2020 Una serie de capacitaciones “Formación para formadores” de dos días para la región de América Latina y el Caribe Hora : 10:00 AM a 2:00 PM Horario de Colombia (COT) en ambos días. COT es 5 horas detrás de la hora media de Greenwich (GMT-5). REGÍSTRESE AQUÍ   Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future , con el apoyo del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) , ha desarrollado u

New UN web site for Sustainable Development Goals

  We are pleased to announce the launch of our new sustainable development knowledge platform website at !    Our new website features the latest on SDG knowledge and partnerships and highlights UN DESA’s work to promote sustainable development and the implementation of the SDGs globally. Continue to check our homepage to get updates on upcoming events, publications and conferences as well as information about topics related to the SDGs such as water, energy, climate, oceans, science and technology and more.  If you are engaging  in the SDGs for the first time or thinking of understanding  how they came about  then buy for you, your friends or your family at copy of  Negotiating the Sustainable Development Goals: A transformational agenda for an insecure world  with Ambassador David Donoghue and Jimena Leiva Roesch   

Guest blog: UN-SDGs – Addressing the biggest global Challenges – With simple solution (SDG 4.7 & SDG 16.a) to save people and this planet

Guest blog by Ajay Singh: Ajay is  Cultivating contemporary ideologies for Global Peace ! Peace Ambassador. WORLDWIDE  PEACE ORGANIZATION ( Promoting SDG 4.7 targeting SDG 16.a for the success of UN- SDGs by time “There can be no sustainable development without peace (SDG 4.7 & SDG 16.a) and no peace without  sustainable developments.” Presently, United Nations Sustainable goals is an essential need of this contemporary world that we do need for the betterment of our future generation on this planet, but presence of racism, radicalization, political collisions and war are creating basis for worldwide humanitarian crisis that adversely impacts every aspects of our social and economical developmental efforts. It means we are only dedicated for “Peace through prosperity” ignoring the ideologies for “prosperity through peace”, so the achievements of scientific insight are resurrecting beyond the process of Nature, and the graces of humanity are descending to a dangerous