Maurice Strong video release for his 85th birthday

A Conversation with Maurice Strong on his 85th Birthday "If the world succeeds in making a transition to truly sustainable development, all of us will owe no small debt of gratitude to Maurice Strong , whose prescience and dynamic presence on the International stage have played a key role in convincing governments and grassroots alike to embrace the principle - if not yet the practice - of adopting a new, long-term, custodial approach to the global environment." Kofi Annan former UN secretary General Tuesday April the 29th 2014 is Maurice Strong's 85th birthday . Happy Birthday Maurice, we have so much to thank you for. For more than half a century Maurice Strong , as much as anyone on the planet, has been the torchbearer for the cause of sustainable development – as visionary, humanist, teacher, businessman and diplomat, as well as champion global thought and action leader. His crowning achievement was to curate a...