Comments on the CSOs Letter on UN World Food Systems Summit

I am sure like many people we sign up for list servers that have some issues that we are interested in and others that we have tangential interest in. The other day on one of those issues that I had a tangential interest in the ' World Food Systems Summit' there was a request to sign on to a call from ‘ Civil Society’ about the 2021 World Food Systems Summit that the Secretary-General is hosting. At the time I was watching the France v Wales rugby match - well done France an amazing game. In the half time break, I decided to open what has been signed by 330 ‘Civil Society’ organizations to see what the issue was. I have to say it confused me. The authors of the letter seem to be confusing a Secretary-General event with a UN Summit convened by Member States. These are two different things . Let me explain…A Secretary-General initiated event (here the Secretary-General has called it a Summit which may have added to the confusion) is something that he hosts an event to ...