
Showing posts from October, 2011

Cameron not going to Rio

Cameron announces he isnt going to Rio. Reprinting Richard Blacks article from the BBC web site on this below Richard Black (BBC) David Cameron to miss Rio+20 earth summit for Jubilee Prime Minister David Cameron will not be going to the Rio+20 Summit in Brazil next year despite his pledge to lead the "greenest ever government". The meeting will mark 20 years since the seminal Earth Summit of 1992, and is regarded as a chance for leaders to put humanity on a sustainable track. But the June date clashes with the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. The clash raises the question of whether other Commonwealth heads of government will also stay away. Protocol would be likely to demand the presence of the 54 countries' leaders in London. The Jubilee celebrations run 2-5 June, and the Earth Summit 4-6 June; so leaders could theoretically pay their respects in London before heading to Rio for the summit's final day. But Mr Cameron will not, a Downing Str

Financing Sustainable Development

I attended the UNEP FI’s 13th Global Roundtable which came at a crucial time for the international community, with the recent financial crisis and occupy washington tents outside. The conference offered a stark reminder that instability constantly looms over the horizon when issues of sustainability are overlooked in day-to-day financial operations. Held under the theme “The Tipping Point: Sustained stability in the next economy,” UNEP FI’s 13th Global Roundtable  looked at the  decades-long niche discussion over sustainability and discussed has it  finally become part of mainstream business and policy-making. The tipping point, in other words, has been crossed, and there is no turning back.   The 13th Global Roundtable conference brought in one place the men and women who have produced the most forward-looking thinking in the global finance and investment community. It was followed up by a workshop for governments whcih Stakeholder Forum hosted at the Bloomberg offices in New Y