Guest blog: Dealing with the Delta: A Story of Change through Barren Transitional Lands Management

Guest blog by A.Z.M Nazmul Islam Chowdhury Innovator and Founder Pumpkin Plus Agro Innovation Limited Transforming lands, transforming lives .The innovation comprises the demonstration and widespread adoption in 5 districts of North West Bangladesh of ‘sandbar cropping’, an innovative, simple, cost-effective technology which transforms silted barren lands created by flooding and, as a result, helps thousands of displaced, extreme-poor families surviving on the edge of mighty rivers to escape from extreme poverty and hunger; climate change and recent covid generated socio-economic shocks. T he innovator Nazmul Chowdhury, fueled by the philosophy of E.F. Schumacher “How to help them, help themselves”, has come up with the idea to help erosion affected landless communities through low-cost affordable and accessible climate smart solution first in 2005, under Disappearin...