
Showing posts from May, 2009

CSD 17 and Rio+20

The UN Commission on Sustainable Development saw a number of people and organisatiosn write articles for Outreach Issues endorsing Rio+20. This included the tarde unions, local government, canadian youth and the business community. The Brazilian Governemnt side event in the second week had over 180 people from governments and stakeholders and UN bodies eager to hear what the Brazilian Government thought shoudl be the issues. Their presentation suggested reform of sustainable development governance, greening the economy, reviewing progress on Agenda 21 and the JPoI and looking at emerging issues such as water and energy. The joint radio project for the CSD by Stakeholder Forum and the BBC World Serice Trust covered Rio+20 a number of times. This included the green table - listen to his provocative discussion with Juan Hoffmaister (Third World Network), Bedrich Moldan of the Czech Republic, and André Odenbreit of Brazil. In the last issue of Today at the CSD delegates are asked what t