UNEP Enironmental Ministers Round Tables
This week saw the publication of two related 2012 documents. The first was the ‘non paper’ from the dinner Stakeholder Forum held in New York on the 24th of February. The paper was a little longer in arriving as governments were given a week to review and make comments on the paper. The second document was the Presidents summary from the UNEP Ministerial Round Tables on International Environmental Governance and the Global Green New Deal. What is fascinating is that in the IEG summary there is huge section on 2012 under the title: “The proposed Rio+20 summit provides an opportunity to put a full package on international environmental governance reform on the table for finalization by 2012.” Ministers are clearly engaged already in thinking about what a summit might achive The papers arrived in government mailboxes within hours of each other. They start to fill in the blanks about: Why have a summit? What could a summit address? What could be the logistics for such an event? There are