Heroes of Environmental Diplomacy - interview by Marc Buckley for his Inside Ideas
Felix Dodds and Chris Spence are my guests on Episode 174 of Inside Ideas with Marc Buckley. Felix Dodds has been a leading thinker in the area of global governance for thirty years. Now a Vice President Multilateral Affairs. Rob and Melani Walton Sustainable Solutions Service (RMWSSS) at Arizona State University and an Adjunct Professor at the University of North Carolina. Previously he was an advisor to the Ford Foundation and their grantees for the development of the Sustainable Development Goals. He was the co-founder of the Communitas Coalition for supporting SDG 11 on Sustainable Cities and Communities. From 1992-2012 he was Executive Director of Stakeholder Forum and during that time he chaired the first UN Conference to come out with a set of indicative SDGs in September 2011. He has edited or written 24 books on sustainable development. His most recent book with Chris Spence is Heroes of Environmental Diplomacy: Profiles in Courage. He also co-wrote Negotiating the SDGs which