Bibliography from the Friends of Governance - SDG 2 and SDG 16

This is a collection of papers from the Friends of Governance workshops since 2015. As the papers often dealt with more than one sustainable development goal, they may be represented in more than one bibliography This can be found on the Friends of Governance website and over the coming months we will add the relevant papers for other SDGs. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 2 and 16 Banisar, D. (2015). Role of transparency and access to information in development David Banisar – Friends of Governance for Sustainable Development . Banisar, D. (2015). Selected High-Level and UNGA Resolutions on Sustainable Development Governance – Friends of Governance for Sustainable Development . Blanchard, C. (2019). Discussion paper options for the SDG environment targets maturing in 2020 . de Rezende Campos Oliveira, L. (2020). Back to the Future: Inciting the relevance of Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review through continuous ...