Why the Economist is Wrong on the SDGs
Sometimes i do wonder about the press. They got it wrong on Rio+20 - except a few notable exceptions such as Richard Black at the BBC and afterwards John Vidal at the Guardian but most thought it was a failure - well clearly that has turned out to be a wrong assessment. That brings me to the yesterdays Economist article on the SDGs . Who ever wrote the article clearly did not research what has been happening on the SDGs, why we have got to the position we have nor what the real implications A few things that might have helped them - if they had researched it and they might have liked to consider when writing the article or future articles The author doesn't seem to know that this is NOT a development agenda it is a sustainable development agenda It is not for developing countries it is for ALL countries . It is not about developing countries it is about EVERY country Unlike the MDGs which were dropped in at the last moment this process has gone through a 4 year