Guest blog by Aashish Khullar: Implementing and Monitoring the New Urban Agenda - Comprehensive Role for Major Groups and Other Stakeholders

Aashish Khullar is one of the Organising Partners' of the UN Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY). It is the formal engagement mechanism for young people to engage in UN processes. He focuses on the intersection of environmental and economic variables. The New Urban Agenda (NUA) has been finalised and we are moving closer to the Habitat III Conference in Quito (17-20 October 2016), where it will be formally adopted by member states. Mandate Thematic progress aside, the NUA galvanises an engaged and effective role for stakeholder participation in its means of implementation (MOI) and follow up and review provisions (FuR). This is a progressive continuation of the General Assembly resolutions 70/210 and 67/290 that set forth the modalities for the Habitat III process. The NUA, specifically, in paragraph 128 requires the UN system to closely collaborate with major groups and other stakeholders ‘to generate evidence-based and practical guidance’ to i...