Governments reduce UN budget at $170 million while expanding military sales

"The world continues to squander trillions on Military spending. Why is it easier to find more to destroy people and planet than it is to it is to protect them ." UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon As many of you will have read I've been concerned about the attempt by developed countries led by he USA to not fund/ the implementation of the SDGs and FFD within the work of the UN. In the end Im not absolutely sure what was agreed but the SG indicated that adding resources to development had been achieved but at the same time as reducing resources to areas including public information, which presented challenges for the United Nations. UNGA President Mr. Lykketoft (Denmark), said 2016 would be about kick-starting implementation of the “incredible breakthroughs” that the Organization had brought about in 2015, namely the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement. The UN final core budget for the next two years hasn't increased but has been ...