
Showing posts from July, 2024

UNEP GLobal Resources Outlook 2024 - by the UNEP, International Resource Panel (IRP)

The world is in the midst of a triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution and waste. The global economy is consuming ever more natural resources, while the world is not on track to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.  Download the report from here UNEP Press Release Rich countries use six times more resources and generate 10 times the climate impacts than low-income ones. The extraction of the Earth’s natural resources tripled in the past five decades, related to the massive build-up of infrastructure in many parts of the world and the high levels of material consumption, especially in upper-middle and high-income countries. Material extraction is expected to rise by 60 per cent by 2060 and could derail efforts to achieve not only global climate, biodiversity, and pollution targets but also economic prosperity and human well-being, according to a report published today by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)-hosted International Resource Panel.   The 

Roadmap to Mission 1.5 COP Presidencies (COP28/29/30) Troika List of Activites 2024


Achieving the SDGs – the best pathway to tackle global challenges – remains elusive SDG Report 2024

    UN Press Release   With less than   one-fifth   of targets on track,  the  world is failing to deliver on promise of the Sustainable Development Goals, warns new UN report Achieving the SDGs – the best pathway to tackle global challenges – remains elusive   New York, 28 June – With just six years remaining, current progress falls far short of what is required to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) . Without massive investment and scaled up action, the achievement of the SDGs — the blueprint for a more resilient and prosperous world and the roadmap out of current global crises — will remain elusive, warns The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2024 , launched on the 28th June 2024 . A world in great upheaval The report reveals that only 17 per cent of the SDG targets are currently on track, with nearly half showing minimal or moderate progress, and over one-third stalled or regressi

Thematic Days and Key Dates for COP29

Key upcoming dates for COP29 Heads of Delegation Retreat -  July 26-27 Shamakhi, Azerbaijan BTR Workshops for Regional Groups September   11th Technical Expert Dialogue and 3rd meeting under the Ad Hoc Work Programme on the NCQG September 10-13 Azerbaijan 3rd meeting of the Board of the Fund for responding to Loss and Damage September 18-20 Baku, Azerbaijan High-Level Energy Dialogue co-hosted with IEA September New York, United States Methane Workshop co-hosted with IEA October Baku, Azerbaijan High-Level Ministerial Dialogue on the NCQG October 9 Baku, Azerbaijan Pre-COP October 10-11 Baku, Azerbaijan 2nd Business and Philanthropy Climate Forum November Baku, Azerbaijan Methane and non-CO2 gr

The African Petroleum Producers’ Organisation (APPO) - establish an African Energy (Fossil Fuel) Bank

(Photo: Extinction Rebellion Cape Town/Twitter) The last COP in Dubai concluded with the global stocktaking text that included a tripling of renewable energy and a doubling of energy efficiency improvements globally by 2030.  It also included an unprecedented commitment to “transition away from fossil fuels”. Meanwhile, this week the African Petroleum Producers’ Organisation (APPO), an association of African petroleum-producing countries, announced Nigeria would host the newly created Africa Energy Bank (AEB). This bank has been set up to support the development of fossil fuel projects in Africa. It has an initial share capital of $5bn and it says it will fund not only fossil fuel expansion but also renewable energy. APPO has a strong partnership with OPEC which will support its efforts to expand Africa’s oil and gas. In Sharm El Shiekh at COP27 (2022) several African Civil Society organizations including Oilwatch Africa, Stop EACOP, Africa Coal Network and Urgewald released a re

Just published - Governance for Sustainable Development Volume 8: SDG 16 and its Interlinkages with other SDGs – Challenges and Opportunities

This is the eighth book by the Friends of the Governance for Sustainable Development. The chapters in this book are based on some of the presentations made at the workshop ‘SDG 16 and its Interlinkages with other SDGs – Challenges and Opportunities.’ SDG 16 stands as a cornerstone in this integrated framework, when “structural injustices, inequalities and emerging human rights challenges are putting peaceful and inclusive societies further out of reach” (2023, SDG Report). The workshop was organized in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme and hosted by the Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations in New York, focusing on providing an open space for Member States to discuss issues that they would be addressing later this year or next and having the chance to hear what experts think is useful for their consideration.  The HLPF 2024 reviewed: Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere;  Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition an

Working Animals: An Overlooked Ally in Climate Adaptation and Resilience

The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Senegal to the United Nations and The Donkey Sanctuary, a member of the International Coalition for Working Equids, invite you to join our UN High Level Political Forum side event on Thursday 11th July, from 6:30pm (ET) - Working Animals: An Overlooked Ally in Climate Adaptation and Resilience? Globally, it is recognised that climate change can significantly worsen multiple dimensions of inequality and according to the IPCC, approximately 40% of humankind are already living in climate-vulnerable areas.  For communities who are disproportionately experiencing the effects of climate change, working animals are often their most valuable asset.  Supporting lives and livelihoods as draught power, transport and facilitators of income generation, working donkeys and mules can be a constant during times of challenge and change, as well as playing a crucial role in disaster recovery.  Our panel event will explore the role played by working animals in

Bibliography from the Friends of Governance - SDG 5 and SDG 16

  SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 5 Adieno, D. (2017). Citizen Data around Governance for the Sustainable Development Goals . Banisar, D. (2015). Role of transparency and access to information in development David Banisar   Banisar, D. (2015).   Selected High-Level and UNGA Resolutions on Sustainable Development Governance     Banisar, D. (2017). High-Level and UNGA Resolutions on Sustainable Development Governance: Existing Language for Committee of Experts on Public Administration . Bernstein, S. (2015). Good, Effective and Equitable Governance and the SDGs Bolaji-Adio, A. (2015). The Challenge of Measuring SDG 16: What Role for African Regional Frameworks? – / de Rezende Campos Oliveira, L. (2020). Back to the Future: Inciting the relevance of Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review through continuous engagement . Fernandez, J., & Victoria, F. (2018). Advancing the 2030 Agenda: Lessons learnt from the