Bibliography from the Friends of Governance - SDG 1 and SDG 16


This is a collection of papers from the Friends of Governance workshops since 2015. As the papers often dealt with more than one sustainable development goal, they may be represented in more than one bibliography

This can be found on the Friends of Governance website and over the coming months we will add the relevant papers for other SDGs. 

Adieno, D. (2017). Citizen Data around Governance for the Sustainable Development Goals.

Banisar, D. (2015). Role of transparency and access to information in development .

Banisar, D. (2015). Selected High-Level and UNGA Resolutions on Sustainable Development Governance.

Banisar, D. (2017). High-Level and UNGA Resolutions on Sustainable Development Governance: Existing Language for Committee of Experts on Public Administration.

Basu, T. (2020). Plugging the Leak: Why opening governments and tackling corruption is essential to protect development finance after COVID19

Bleicher, Z. (2021) UN Food Systems Summit: How Transforming Global Food Systems Can Help Deliver the 2030 Agenda

Bolaji-Adio, A. (2015).  The Challenge of Measuring SDG 16: What Role for African Regional Frameworks?

Butare, A. (2021) How Africa is Addressing Climate Change, the Green Energy Transition, and Governance

Caballero, C. & Londono, P. (2023) The Sustainable Development Goals: Spinning Wheel for Our Time

Cummings, J. (2023) Integrating the Sendai Framework into UN Strategies for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience: Addressing Vulnerability and Promoting Interlinkages

Clement-Hunt, P., & Noble, G. (2020).. Mobilizing U$ trillions for the billions left furthest behind.

Dell, G. (2020). Proposals for FACTI Panel Recommendations.

Dodds, F. (2015). Key questions for an interlinked and coherent governance for the review and follow-up of the post 2015 agenda and its SDG and the Addis Ababa commitments  

Dodds, F. (2018). How to Re-Energize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Climate Agreement.

Dorsey, M. (2019). Justice, Peace and Inclusion for Sustainability or Climate Apartheid?

 Eltaweel, K (2023) Linking the Food System to the SDGs

Espey, J., de la Mothe Karoubi, E., & Schmidt-Traub. (2015, 2016). The Data Revolution for Sustainable Development .

Fakir, Z. (2020). Climate Finance for COP 26.

Fernandez, J., & Victoria, F. (2018). Advancing the 2030 Agenda: Lessons learnt from the first cycle of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) – how far can we go?

Friends of Governance for Sustainable Development. (2018). How to address interlinkages among the Sustainable Development Goals in the HLPF?

Gaillard-Picher, D. (2023) Strengthening Interlinkages at the United Nations

Hanif, N. (2020). Financial Accountability, Transparency, and Integrity for Sustainable Development.

Hemmati, M., & Dodds, F. (2017). Principles and Practices of Multtyoei-stakeholder Partnerships for Sustainable Development – Guidance and Oversight from UN Decisions

Henman, Oli (2021) VNRs & Transparency in the Era of COVID-19: Lessons Learned from the First Cycle of HLPF Reporting

Houwelingen, A. (2023) Integrating the Review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction with the Food Systems Summit Stocktake

Jinga, I. (2017). Supplementally indicators for Goal 16: UNDP and the Community of Democracies.

Kahl, A. (2019). From numbers to action—How to leverage the 2030 Agenda reporting structure to accelerate SDG 16 implementation.

Lawrence, G. (2019). Sustainable Development Goals: Creating more actionable process outcomes.

Lobo, J. (2021) Turning the Global Momentum on Sustainability into Practical Local Action

Lorenzo, S. (2020). Five years later, are we serious on aligning private financial flows?   

Loures, R, F. (2023) Building Upon the UN Water Conference

Luna, S. (2015).  Ensuring a coherent place for the HLPF within the UN development system .

Lymbery, P. (2023) Leading with Compassion on Global Issues

Maisonet-Guzman, O. (2015).  Information and Communication Technologies: New drivers for development and the post-2015 agenda

Margrey, P. (2021) Voluntary Local Review Experience in Ngora District, Uganda

Moraes, F, de P. (2021) São Paulo’s Step-By-Step to Sustainable Development Governance

Morgado, F. (2019). Mobilizing business action to advance the 2030 Agenda: Harnessing the potential of the UN Global Compact.

Niestroy, I., Hege, E., Dirth, E., & Zondervan, R. (2019). Europe’s approach to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals.

O’Connor, D. (2018). How could the 2019 HLPF summit deliver actions, implementation and acceleration?

Oumarou Ibrahim, H. (2020). We are in a Climate Emergency.

Perell, D. (2023) Frameworks, Not Recipes; Processes, Not Projects – Redefining the Focus of Sustainable Development Governance

Perrez, F. (2021) Did COP 26 Save the World? An Assessment of the Outcomes of the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Pirkkala, S. (2021) Finland’s Whole of Society Approach to the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda

Randalder, L. (2021) Lessons from the REN21 Global Renewable Energy Community of Actors from Science, Governments, NGOs, and Industry

Rangaprasad, P. (2020). Financing COVID-19 recovery: Time to negotiate a UN convention to address tax havens and international tax dodging.

Seth, N. (2015).  SDGs and sustainable development governance as we are today.

 Strandenaes, J.-G. (2018). HLPF, the Major Groups, Other Stakeholders and the Future of the 2030 Agenda.

Suzuki, Y. (2015). Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC)

Taweel, El K. (2023) Food System Summit interlinkages

Taverdyan, R. (2020). Enhancing Transparency and Accountability in Public Finances.

Timilsina, A., & Lui, C. (2021). An Integrated Approach to Anti-Corruption: Opportunities and Challenges.

Thompson, L. (2023) Disaster Risk and Resilience in Small Island Developing States

Zubcevic, I. (2020). Impact of COVID-19: Perspective from Voluntary National Reviews.

Zubcevic, I. (2023) Preparing for the SDG Summit


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