Preparation for June Bonn Climate Conference and COP29 webinar video and power point available

The webinar on May 29th was for those hoping or planning to participate in the UNFCCC preparatory conference in Bonn in June and/or COP29 in Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijani November 11-22, 2024.

The webinar was run by: 

  • Felix Dodds, UNC Water Institute
  • Jamie Cummings, Woodwell Climate Research Center

The webinar addressed the following:

  • History of climate change
  • How the UNFCCC prepares
  • COP28 Outcomes and Legacies
  • UNFCCC Bonn preparatory sessions 2024
  • COP 29 – What are the issues?
  • Negotiating Groups and key people
  • Why attend – stakeholder engagement case study of a campaign and YONGO
  • Beyond the Negotiations
  • Resources available and dates for 2024 and 2025

The PowerPoint  from the webinar is available here

The recording can be found here
Passcode: h^wq?6e*


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