Overview of my 2023 publications

Dear Friends,

I've collected together my publications for 2023 in case you missed some and might have a few moments over Christmas to read them. Good oldies that are worth having if you do not have them yet are Heroes in Environmental Diplomacy: Profiles in Courage edited with Chris Spence and Tomorrow’s People and New Technology: Changing How We Live Our Lives written with Carolina Duque Chopitea and Ranger Ruffins Sustainable Society Café podcasts on Tomorrow’s People. 

And of course Negotiating the Sustainable Development Goals by Felix Dodds, Ambassador David Donoghue and Jimena Leiva Roesch

warmest felix


Inter Press Service:

November 22nd 2023: GLOBAL COOPERATION ON CLIMATE CHANGE: What Have We Achieved and What Needs to Happen Next? by Felix Dodds and Chris Spence

May 16th 2023 Will COP28 Catch the Next Green Wave … Or Will It Wipe Out? by Felix Dodds and Chris Spence

SDGs Online by Taylor and Francis

6th October 2023: The Sustainable Development Goals in Peril: Getting Back on Track for 2030 by Felix Dodds and Chris Spence


Innovation Magazine

November 29th 2023: Here’s why COP28 in Dubai offers new hope


September 24th 2023

Governance for Sustainable Development Volume 7: Interlinking Major Sustainable Development Events to Embrace Policy Coherence and Implementation of the 2030 Agenda  by Oche Agbo, Meriem El Hilali, Sungjun Kim, Yvonne Mewengkang, Andreea Mocanu, Ulrich Nicklas, David Banisar, Felix Dodds, Irena Zubcevic and Tanner Glenn

Abstract: Volume 7: Interlinking Major Sustainable Development Events to Embrace Policy Coherence and Implementation of the 2030 Agenda is produced by the Friends of Governance for Sustainable Development (the Friends Group). The chapters in this book are based on some of the presentations made at the workshop titled “Building Momentum for a Successful Interlinked Set of UN Conferences and Events in 2023.” The Friends Group is coordinated by the governments of Germany, Morocco, Indonesia, Nigeria, Romania, and the Republic of Korea, the secretariat being provided by the Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability Solutions Service (RMWSSS) at Arizona State University and Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future.

Academic Journals

International Journal of Sustainable Energy: Volume 42 2023 Issue 1, Taylor and Francis Online

December 20th 2023 Published

Balance™ methodology – converting carbon finance to biodiversity creation by Daniel Morrell, Felix Dodds & James Cameron

Abstract: This paper addresses two interlinked problems in sustainable development and suggests a methodology to resolve them. The first is the reduction of atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide. The second is the maintenance of biodiversity. Current carbon financing and environmental stewardship mechanisms underwhelm, often diluting intended positive effects. Most existing carbon credits do not have protection after 40 years, placing projects substantially beneath the C02 radiative forcing cycle. This paper presents the ‘Balance’ approach to sustainable development, including contractual principles ensuring C02 reduction, biodiversity enhancement and financial accountability. We describe two novel measures: a carbon calculator for commercial entities, and a new metric, the Balance Unit, combining biodiversity creation with carbon credits. A case study, spanning over 20 years at the Forest of Marston Vale, is then presented. It finds an increase in tree cover, CO2 sequestration, reduction in agricultural GHG emissions, sulphur dioxide and particulate matter absorption, and annual local economic benefits totalling £UK12.83 million. Expository detail regarding the ‘Planting Principles’ practised at Marston Vale is also provided. We argue that the Balance methodology, especially the Balance Unit, enables greater measurement reliability and long-term efficacy for maintaining biodiversity and reducing GHG emissions than current carbon financing approaches.

Frontiers in Sustainable Cities: Volume 5 2023 

September 25th 2023 Published

Interlinkages and gaps: a review of the literature on intergovernmental relations for flood management in the face of climate change by Alexander Chantilas, Ahmed Rachid El-Khattabi,  Emily Gvino1, Kristen Downs, Cate Byrne, Elizabeth Christenson-Diver, Ranger Ruffins, Aaron Worley, Felix Dodds

Abstract: Current approaches to flood management are increasingly insufficient to deal with intensifying flood trends. In this paper, we define and map out the responsibilities and relationships of local, state, and federal governing entities at various levels. We use these relationships to identify gaps in governance needed to address the high financial, human, and infrastructure costs of flooding. This paper offers a description of current flood policies and provides recommendations for innovations in policy solutions to improve governance gaps. We identify three themes from the literature on intergovernmental relations and flood governance: (1) intergovernmental relations (interlinkages and gaps) for flood governance; (2) risks inherent to flood governance (financial, physical, social and individual, and perception of risk); (3) data adequacy and interoperability.


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