All Tomorrow's People and New Technology Podcasts in one place - what will 2030 look like

"I simply love Tomorrow's People and New Technology. Teasingly playful, inquisitive rather than just another turgid tome trying to be politically correct and accurate with each forecast, the authors' bandwidth is wonderfully broad, the insights incisive, and the writing welcoming. This book is a speculative triumph. It invites us into an imaginative world of endless fascination and ingenuity, at once allying suspicions that the future belongs only to the smart machines we have created and are in the process of letting loose."

Richard David Hames, Executive Director, Centre for the Future

As we witness a series of social, political, cultural, and economic changes/disruptions this book examines the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the way emerging technologies are impacting our lives and changing society. Taking the Sustainable Development Goals as a backdrop and the Paris Climate Agreement

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterised by the emergence of new technologies that are blurring the boundaries between the physical, the digital, and the biological worlds. This book allows readers to explore how these technologies will impact peoples’ lives by 2030. It helps readers to not only better understand the use and implications of emerging technologies, but also to imagine how their individual life will be shaped by them. The book provides an opportunity to see the great potential but also the threats and challenges presented by the emerging technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, posing questions for the reader to think about what future they want. Emerging technologies, such as robotics, artificial intelligence, big data and analytics, cloud computing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, the Internet of Things, fifth-generation wireless technologies (5G), and fully autonomous vehicles, among others, will have a significant impact on every aspect of our lives, as such this book looks at their potential impact in the entire spectrum of daily life, including home life, travel, education and work, health, entertainment and social life.

Providing an indication of what the world might look like in 2030, this book is essential reading for students, scholars, professionals, and policymakers interested in the nexus between emerging technologies and sustainable development, politics and society, and global governance.

Tomorrow's People and new Technology Podcasts

Episode 1: The History of the Industrial Revolutions 

"Many have dubbed the years between 2020 and 2030 the 'decade of action and ambition' where vast transformations need to be achieved if we are to meet both SDG and Paris climate goals. That can seem daunting and challenging to individuals who feel they don't have agency or the capability to make a difference, but Tomorrow's People and New Technology provides an engaging and accessible blueprint for how technology can play a crucial role in helping individuals to change their lives to make a big difference. Funny and thought-provoking, it is a great read!"

Kirsty Schneeberger, MBE, Chair UK Environmental Law Association

Celebrating the launch of Sustainable Society Cafe, Carolina Duque joins us on the podcast to walk us through the first three industrial revolutions humanity has experienced up to this point and how the Fourth Industrial Revolution of today compares. We discuss what the First through the Third Industrial Revolution meant for the world and the lives of ordinary people and how the Fourth Industrial Revolution might either make or break our global economy and our environment. Carolina Duque is co-author of the new book Tomorrow’s People and New Technology, which we are focusing on in our first seven episodes to imagine what life in 2030 might look like and how the emerging technologies over the next decade fit into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Episode 2: Home Life

"Humanity has understood the necessity to change the course of development. Nations have made their pledges in the form of SDGs and climate goals. The word progress has been reevaluated. To what extend we can succeed in this fundamental transformation in such a relatively short time, the jury is still out, but the clock is ticking. It is a remarkable book bringing closer to our daily lives what is at stake and how technological shift can and will influence our journey. Excellent reading far all who plan to spend the rest of their lives in the changing future."

Ambassador Csaba Kőrösi, director of the Office of the President of Hungary, former co-chair of the UN Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals

Felix Dodds joins us on the podcast this week to help us explore the future of home life. We discuss the emerging technologies that will shake up our living spaces and the roles they play in our lives. We also examine the potential benefits and ramifications — for us and the planet as a whole — that could come with the rise of “smarter” homes. Felix Dodds is co-author of the new book Tomorrow’s People and New Technology, which we are focusing on in our first seven episodes to imagine what life in 2030 might look like and how the emerging technologies over the next decade fit into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Episode 3: Travelling Around

"No one has written more or provided a larger lens through which we can view the subject of sustainable development than has Felix Dodds, whether alone or in collaboration with very interesting co-authors. Tomorrow’s People and New Technology issues an invitation to consider the future through the 2030 development agenda and the life it might engender. It poses the pertinent questions – How will technology be the primary driver of society, economy and way of life? Will it help us to realize the great value of our humanity? Will we see the technology as our partner in achieving sustainable development? Will its use be equitable in improving quality of life globally so that no-one is left behind? What sort of world do we want and how will technology help bring it into being? These questions are not academic. COVID-19 has accelerated the use of technology and we must answer these questions -now. Agree or disagree with the authors but read their answers."

Ambassador Liz Thompson, Permanent Mission of Barbados to the United Nations

Felix Dodds joins us again for this week’s episode to discuss everyone’s favorite hobby - travel. We talk about how travel might be more customized and sustainable by 2030. How can big data and the blockchain make travel a better experience for people and the planet? What will be the impact of self-driving transportation, AI, robotics, and augmented reality on travel? Find out on this week’s episode! Felix Dodds is co-author of the new book Tomorrow’s People and New Technology, which we are focusing on in our first seven episodes to imagine what life in 2030 might look like and how the emerging technologies over the next decade fit into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Episode 4: Education, Working Life and Health

"Though many books describe tech and AI’s impact on our future, few paint an intimate and detailed picture of how our lives – at home, work, and with friends – will be completely reshaped by the innovations that are just beginning to take root today. Tomorrow’s People and New Technology is a fascinating forecast at life by 2030 and the ways in which we must change to harness technology’s promise in every facet of our daily lives."

Maria Figueroa Kupcu, Partner and Head of New York Office, Brunswick Group; Chair, Institute for Global Leadership, Tufts University

Ranger Ruffins joins us on the podcast this week for a wide-ranging conversation about the future of education, working life, and health. We pack a lot into this conversation. Has the COVID-19 pandemic altered education forever? Can AR and VR used in education help address racism and inequality? Is remote work here to stay? What will be the jobs of 2030? What does healthcare look like in a world with telehealth? How do these changes fit within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Can robots help older people have a more fulfilling life? Will we be healthier and living more sustainably as new technologies continue to transform these crucial sectors? Join us for this week’s episode and find out! Ranger Ruffins is co-author of the new book Tomorrow’s People and New Technology, which we are focusing on in our first seven episodes to imagine what life in 2030 might look like and how the emerging technologies over the next decade fit into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Episode 5: Entertainment

"In 2015 governments agreed to both the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement, creating a pathway to securing a viable future on this planet. Even with renewed political will, however, delivering on the transformations called for will call for innovation at many levels. This book therefore offers key insights by looking to 2030 and exploring the impact of a number of new technologies on our lives and on delivering on these two multilateral agreements. Tomorrows People and New Technology recognizes both that the changes that we all will experience over the next ten years will be enormous, and that massive shifts are required to turn our economies and societies around. It tries to help people understand how these technologies might impact positively on their lives and by doing so makes those changes seem less threatening. The book also recognizes the challenges will be different in different parts of the world and explores how these could potentially increase inequality. Finally it highlights for the reader some of policy challenges these new technologies would bring. Required reading at the intersection of climate, SDGs, innovation, and disruption."

Paula Caballero, (Mother of the SDGs) former Director for Economic, Social and Environmental Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia

Felix Dodds returns to the podcast for the last time this series to talk the future of entertainment – how emerging technologies will affect TV, sports, music, gambling, sex and more. We dive into how data analytics, AI, augmented and virtual reality, and blockchain will shape the entertainment industry. We also discuss how 3D printing and new energy sources can also enhance the delivery of reducing CO2 and enhancing the experience of the consumer. We look at the lives of consumers and the implications of technologies as people look to fill leisure time. It looks at the impacts of new forms of entertainment, and how those forms build, change, or destroy our communities. We get into the weeds here about digital ownership of online content, how governments might regulate deepfakes, and more. Felix Dodds is co-author of the new book Tomorrow’s People and New Technology, which we are focusing on in our first seven episodes to imagine what life in 2030 might look like and how the emerging technologies over the next decade fit into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Episode 6: Social Life

"In 2021, the last thing people needed was another doomsday book. Tomorrow’s People and New Technology is written in an accessible and fun style illustrates how frontier or 4IR technologies can improve our daily life and help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris climate change Agreement, allows people that are usually not concerned about these international issues far from their daily life, to not only be aware but reflect on them. It brings it home! Potential negative impacts are brought only at the end allowing for a more educated societal debate about these issues including the monetization of our attention through these ever-omnipresent platforms. Kudos for this putting this book out there and getting the debate going on needed national and international policies needed to make sure these frontier technologies help us achieve the SDGs not further increase inequalities and polarization."

Chantal Line Carpentier, Chief, New York Office of UNCTAD

Ranger Ruffins returns this week to talk about the future of social life. How has social life changed since the COVID-19 pandemic? We discuss how technologies have continued to shape the way we interact with each other, from how we make friends to how we date. We talk about the impact of biotechnologies on human society, its advantages in terms of disease prevention and cure, and its ability to create ‘super-humans’. We also look at how social media might continue to evolve over the coming decade and how emerging technologies might help us work towards more equity and awareness in our social lives. Or does the future of social life look more like a Black Mirror episode? Ranger Ruffins is co-author of the new book Tomorrow’s People and New Technology, which we are focusing on in our first seven episodes to imagine what life in 2030 might look like and how the emerging technologies over the next decade fit into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Episode 7: Living Around the Globe

"More often than not, we see technology as something that is happening to us--that is, ordinary people are impacted in both positive and malign ways without agency or voice. In addition to helping us understand the scope of emerging technologies, Tomorrow's People and New Technology calls on the reader and individual to be proactive and help shape trends in ways that support the sustainable development agenda and our immediate social lives."

Gavin Power, former Executive Deputy Director, UN Global Compact

Carolina Duque returns to the podcast to wrap up our series focusing on emerging technologies and how they fit into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development! This week we look at how emerging technologies are impacting different parts of the world and how existing global inequalities affect the adoption rate of these technologies. With this in mind, we look at how these issues might evolve over the coming decade and how existing issues might be addressed as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are realized. Carolina Duque is co-author of the new book Tomorrow’s People and New Technology, which we are focusing on in our first seven episodes to imagine what life in 2030 might look like and how the emerging technologies over the next decade fit into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


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