July 1st - Building a Sustainable and Resilient Future: Subnational Governments Leading Integrated Approaches for People, Planet, and Prosperity
High-Level Event on the occasion of the 2021 High-level Political Forum 1 July 2021 8:30-10:00 EDT | 14:30-16:00 CEST
The global community is seeking to achieve the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) while responding to the
COVID-19 pandemic and the pressing climate and biodiversity emergencies. Subnational governments are key to the
success of all 17 SDGs that aim to transform the world into the future
we want. The 2030 Agenda is the world’s roadmap
for advancing human progress and protecting the planet, but we are
not on track and will fail to meet most of the 17 SDGs unless we adopt a systemic approach that manages environmental
risks and opportunities. In addition,
the pandemic has exposed social and economic inequalities and the inextricable
link between human and planetary
health. The recovery plans offer an opportunity to chart a new path and
urge all levels
of government to respond collaboratively.
2021 marks a year of critical meetings
and a turning point if the world wants to secure a future where people and planet can thrive
together. The 2021 High-level Political Forum in July will address
how to build a resilient and inclusive post-pandemic world; the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to
the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 15) in October will adopt an ambitious global biodiversity
framework to accelerate action to safeguard biodiversity; and the 26th
United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in November will
enhance commitments on
adaptation and cutting greenhouse gases emissions.
2021 must be the year to connect dots and draw lines of action in
multilateral governance. It must be
the year of synergy. It is vital to unite efforts on biodiversity and climate
action, contributing to the sustainable development goals. These efforts need to be supported by strong multilevel governance, solidarity, and international cooperation. Subnational authorities worldwide are at the forefront of the
fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, striving to emerge stronger from this crisis by designing green recovery plans
aligned with the 2030 Agenda. Subnational governments are willing to work more closely together
and joining forces
for a more efficient and inclusive
implementation of the global agendas.
This high-level panel is the first of three events
to be organized by Regions4
and partners in 2021 addressing the environmental dimension
of the 2030 Agenda and the interconnectedness of the well-being and prosperity of people
and planet.
The HLPF is a moment to demonstrate commitment to international
cooperation and celebrate SDG actions
and initiatives that all governments are undertaking in line with the decade
of action. In addition, a sustainable pandemic
recovery offers an opportunity to get policies in place that support the Paris Agreement, the Post-2020
Global Biodiversity Framework and the Sustainable Development Goals.
This event will highlight the desired outcomes of the 2021 HLPF, COP15
and COP26, stressing its interlinkages
and integrated approaches. It will discuss and show examples of how subnational governments are building back better and
greener, getting back on track toward the 2030
Agenda, and strengthening multilevel governance.
The event include:
Contribute to creating
the necessary enabling
conditions for the 2021 critical
meetings to have a legacy of ambition, deliver
stronger results, and step up action, cooperation, and sustained commitment to tackle the environmental crises and
rebuild societies in a post- pandemic world.
· Explore how climate
change and biodiversity loss can be tackled jointly
within the framework of the Sustainable Development
Goals by reinforcing existing synergies and introducing common drivers, solutions, and areas of action that can achieve
rapid progress by addressing the crises together.
· Demonstrate subnational governments’ catalytic role
and leadership in driving action for climate,
biodiversity, and sustainable development, showcasing coherent policies and practices
in place.
Create enabling spaces
for subnational governments’ meaningful participation and
engagement within
the UN system.
The next two events of the series
will be held at the 15th meeting
of the Conference of the Parties
to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 15) in October and the 26th
UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties
(COP26) in November.
08:30 Openinc
- Rt Hon. Arantxa Tapia, Regions4 President and Minister for Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment of the Basque Government, Spain
08:40 The Path Ahead: From Recovery to a Resilient Future
- Ms. Francesca Spatolisano, Assistant
Secretary-General, United Nations Department
of Economic and Social
Affairs (tbc)
- Ms. Elizabeth Maruma
Mrema, Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity
- Dr. Susan Chomba, Global Ambassador of the UNFCCC’s Race to Zero and Race to Resilience campaigns
08:55 The Leadership of Subnational Governments in
Integrating the Global Agendas
- Rt Hon. Mark Drakeford MS, First Minister of Wales, U
- Rt Hon. Veronica Thörnroos, Premier of Aland Islands, Finland
- Rt Hon. Benedict Ayade, Governor of Cross River State, Nigeria
- Rt Hon. Pere Aragonès, President of the Government of Catalonia, Spain
- Rt Hon. Aka Aouélé, President of Sud-Comoé, Ivory Coast
- Rt Hon. Sergio Graf, Secretary for the Environment of Jalisco, Mexico
- Rt Hon. Eduardo Trani, Sub-Secretary of Environment of São Paulo, Brazil
9:45 Q & A
10:00 Closing
Moderator: Mr. Jean Lemire,
Envoy for Climate Change, Nordic and Arctic Affairs, Government of Québec,
The event will be organised fully online. Registration is open until 30 June at bit.ly/R4Event1July. Please note only pre-registered attendees
will have access to the online platform. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided
in English, Spanish, and French.
The event is organised by Regions4 Sustainable Development, the
Governments of Basque Country,
Catalonia, Cross River, Jalisco, Québec, and São Paulo, in partnership with the
Race to Resilience, Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments,
ORU Fogar.
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