My new book just out Governance for Sustainable Development Volume 5: Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Governance Challenges


Governance for Sustainable Development Volume 5: Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Governance Challenges is the fifth book that the Friends of Governance for Sustainable Development has produced to share widely the papers that were presented at the workshops for member States to discuss.  It is available on amazon print to order or kindle and also as pdf for free on the Friends of Governance for Sustainable Development website.  Individual chapters are available here.

The Group recognizes that there is an inextricable link between good governance and sustainable development and that, as the 2030 Agenda is implemented, governance challenges will need discussion and action at all levels and by all institutions.In 2020, the Group of Friends convened UN officials, experts, and representatives from government at four participatory workshops on relevant governance issues. The workshops were organized in partnership with UN-DESA Office of Intergovernmental Support and Coordination for Sustainable Development focusing on advancing the 2030 Agenda into the HLPF’s Second Cycle, and lessons learnt from the first cycle.The Group of Friends in 2021 will continue to be a place for discussions of the institutional architecture for the 2030 Agenda’s implementation, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the Paris Climate Agreement and their follow-up and review.

We expect the present publication to be a useful input for the ongoing discussions about the institutional architecture for the 2030 Agenda. 

The first workshop looked at Implementing the 2016 QCPR resolution and this agenda has already captured the imagination of this generation. 

The second workshop looked at the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on global governance and issues of transparency, responsiveness and accountability. With the upcoming High Level Political Forum, how could the pandemic be reflected in Voluntary National Reports? 

The third workshop looked at the imperative of combating corruption, illicit financial flows and recovering and returning stolen assets as a means for financing for development in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The final one looked at climate change and governance preparing for the now 2021 Glasgow UNFCCC COP.

We know that sustainable development will only become a reality if we have the enabling environment for it to happen. Good governance will be pivotal for implementing, reviewing and improving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

We hope that this publication contributes to addressing the challenges we will be facing over the coming years to 2030.

The book other co-editors are Meriem El Hilali, Sungjun Kim, Samuel Victor Makwe, Ulrich Nicklas, Cristina Popescu, David Banisar and Quinn McKew.


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