Project Everyone - from Richard Curtis - the Global Goals Turns 5


We’ve come to the end of what could be one of the strangest but most historic UN General Assemblies ever. Marking 75 years since the UN was founded and five years since the Global Goals were agreed it was an opportunity to focus on the action we need if we are to make the Goals happen.

We founded Project Everyone five years ago as the SDGs were agreed. Since then there’s been a huge swell of momentum but we are still off track to achieving them and as the excellent Goalkeepers 2020 report from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation shows, COVID is setting back progress even further. That’s why we need global cooperation and action more than ever.


BUT we should be optimistic that if we work together we can make them happen. Here’s some of the things we’ve been part of that we hope will inspire you!

  • NATIONS UNITED – A VERY SPECIAL BROADCAST: to make things happen you have to make things. That’s why we teamed up with the UN and the brilliant 72 films to produce Nations United – a first of its kind short film putting a spotlight on the solutions we need. Please check it out and share.
  • THE FIRST GLOBAL GOALS DAY FOCUSSED ON THE FACTS: to mark the 5th birthday of the SDGs we held the first ever Global Goals Day in partnership with our data friends SDSN TReNDS and GPSDD to put a spotlight on the need for up-to-date data and action to change the facts. Share the facts, take action and become a factivist today.
  • THE BIGGEST GLOBAL GOALS WEEK EVER: with our partners UNDP and UN Foundation we organised the 4th annual and biggest Global Goals Week ever. With more than 100 events and over 100 partners signed up, it was a week focused on action, awareness and accountability. During the week the UNGA also saw its first official SDG moment providing a reality check on the implementation of the Goals. You can check out all the presentations and info here.
  • A GLOBAL GOALS COMMUNITY AT FULL FORCE: there was a whole lot more happening from the brilliant events at the SDG Action Zone to the stimulating discussions at Goals house, the Business Avengers in action, civil society action to Turn it Around and young people rising up.
  • THE FIRST WIKI LOVES SDGS EDIT-A-THON: over 300 volunteers from around the world came together to create new and improve existing Wikipedia articles on the SDGs.
  • A CALL FOR CLIMATE LEARNING: Our World’s Largest Lesson launched their climate education campaign, calling on young activists everywhere to get involved.

But, UNGA is just a few weeks and we need action all year round, our focus now is on working with all our partners to ensure the solutions set out in Nations United from investment in health and education to ending fossil fuel subsidies and getting rid of discriminatory laws are turned into a reality.

So, do watch it, share it and reach out to us with ideas about how we can work together.

Much love xx
Richard, Kate and Gail on behalf of the Project Everyone team

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