The Future of the High-level Political Forum: Fit for Purpose? Stakeholder Forum’s First sdg2030 Series Report

Stakeholder Forum’s First sdg2030 Series Report –

The Future of the High-level Political Forum: Fit for Purpose?

On Monday, 14 September 2020, Stakeholder Forum launched the first in its sdg2030 Series reports: The Future of the High-level Political Forum – Fit for Purpose?

The future of the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) has been a matter of debate since it was created out of Rio+20, and before the negotiations for the Sustainable Development Goals. The resolution establishing the HLPF (UNGA resolution A/67/L.72, adopted on 9 July 2013) agreed to review it, and one such review was due 2020.  This has now been moved to the autumn of 2021.

This report, a summary of the ideas presented during the 13 July 2020 ‘Pop-up Side Event’ at the 2020 HLPF: ‘Lessons from the Proposal for a Sustainable Development Council for the UN General Assembly (from Rio+20) for the Future of the High-level Political Forum,’ captures the inputs from the speakers and respondents from the ‘Pop-Up’ event, all of whom were active during Rio+20 and the creation of the HLPF.

Our speakers were Jan-Gustav Strandenaes and Mohamed Khalil, and our respondents were Paula Caballero, Albert Butare, and Marianne Beisheim.

By looking at ideas suggested then, we hope it offers insights for the negotiations over the Future of the HLPF during the next fifteen months.

The report was introduced by Jan-Gustav Strandenaes, Senior Advisor, Stakeholder Forum, and the session was moderated by Felix Dodds, Adjunct Professor Water Institute, the University of North Carolina.

You can view the launch event here.

You can download the report here: SDG 2030 Series Report No 1 The Future of the High-level Political Forum-Fit for Purpose (Sept 2020)



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