Sustainable Development Goals Summit agenda

Tuesday, 24 September
Taking stock of the status of achievement of the SDGs: progress, challenges and the way forward, and adoption of the Political Declaration of the SDG Summit
15:55-16:00Messages on “Leaving no one Behind” #1
Statements delivered on behalf of groups of Member States
17:00-17:05Messages on “Leaving no one Behind” #2
Leaders Dialogue 1 – “Megatrends impacting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals”
Leaders will address implementation of the 2030 Agenda in the context of megatrends: opportunities presented by these global trends for accelerating progress across multiple goals and targets; and the potential impact of collaborations and partnerships towards more sustainable outcomes.
Wednesday, 25 September
10:00-10:05Messages on “Leaving no one Behind” #3
Leaders Dialogue 2 – “Accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals: Critical entry points”
Leaders will discuss how strategic actions can be applied by multiple actors and institutions at critical entry points for transformations in order to accelerate progress across multiple SDGs. It will focus on how an integrated approach to policy-making and partnerships for the 2030 Agenda can be applied in practical terms.
11:00-11:05Messages on “Leaving no one Behind” #4
Leaders Dialogue 3 – “Measures to leverage progress across the Sustainable Development Goals” 
Leaders will explore how governance, economy and finance, individual and collective action, and science and technology can be used in strategic alliances and partnerships to drive the transformations towards sustainable development. The emphasis will be on success stories and approaches that can be transferred from one national or sub-national context to another.
12:00-12:05Messages on “Leaving no one Behind” #5
Leaders Dialogue 4 – “Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals”
Leaders will focus on country-level experiences in localizing the SDGs by adapting them to national and local situations and incorporating them in policies, institutions, financial frameworks and ways of working. It will also discuss the mobilization of national and local actors around the SDGs.
15:00-15:05Messages on “Leaving no one Behind” #6
Leaders Dialogue 5 – “Partnerships for Sustainable Development”
Leaders will discuss progress in revitalizing the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development and international cooperation; to identify impactful multi-stakeholder partnerships for SDG implementation and identify gaps to guide partnership development in the next decade; and to share good practices and lessons learned in overcoming challenges to improve partnership effectiveness.
16:00-16:05Messages on “Leaving no one Behind” #7
Leaders Dialogue 6 – “The 2020-2030 Vision”
Leaders will focus on the vision for the ten-year period remaining until 2030. It will also address the targets that have a completion date of 2020 to assess progress and options for the way forward. Moreover, leaders will highlight the critical actions they intend to take in the short- and long-term to ensure all targets and goals are achieved by 2030.
17:00-17:05Messages on “Leaving no one Behind” #8
Statements delivered on behalf of groups of Member States
Key messages from the SDG summit to accelerate actions for reaching the SDGs


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