(HLPF Side Event) Working livestock: How they contribute to the SDGs

Organized by Permanent Mission of Senegal to the UN &  the International Coalition of Working Equids (ICWE)

Date: Friday, July 12, 2019

Time:6:30 PM – 8:00 PM EDT

Trusteeship Council Chamber

United Nations Headquarters

This HLPF side event will shed light on the role that working livestock play in helping deliver the Sustainable Development Goals.

About this Event
The Permanent Mission of Senegal to the UN and the International Coalition of Working Equids (ICWE) have the pleasure to invite you to our HLPF side event on ‘Working livestock: How they contribute to the SDGs and to national economies through partnership’.

In every low and middle-income country, you will see animals at work. Over one hundred million of these animals plough the fields, transport water and carry produce to market. Around 600 million people rely on the income their animals earn to pay for daily essentials such as school fees and healthcare costs. In the rural areas we work in, improving the health and welfare of working animals has a direct impact on livelihoods.

However, because their contribution to sustainable development is largely overlooked in policies and programming, the potential of working livestock (horses, donkeys, mules, camels and oxen) to help lift their owners out of poverty is not fully realised.

Working in partnership has already significantly improved the lives of livestock-owning communities in some of the poorest parts of the world. This side event will explore positive case studies of the role that working livestock play in helping deliver the Global Goals, and how working in partnership can help harness the potential of working animals for development.


  • Abdoulaye Barro, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Senegal to the United Nations
  • Emmanuel Sarr, CEO of Brooke Senegal
  • Ian Cawsey, Director of Advocacy, The Donkey Sanctuary
Panel discussion chaired by Nicole Carta, Senior Partnership Officer, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Please note that you need to be registered to attend HLPF and in possession of a UN grounds pass in order to attend.


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