Your chance to input on the High Level Political Forum survey. Working? Not Working? What do you think?

Dear Colleagues, As many of you know, the UN Foundation has developed a survey on the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF). Given the tremendous response in past years and the very useful insights gathered from it, which we shared in a roundtable event last year and have incorporated into our own work, we have decided to conduct this survey annually in the hopes of understanding how the HLPF was helpful and how it can be improved. I am writing to ask you or someone in your organization to respond to the survey, by clicking on this link if you haven't already. The survey aims to take stock of the 2018 HLPF, and gather views on how to maintain momentum on SDG implementation and set ourselves up for success at the 2019 HLPFs and beyond. We do not ask you to identify yourself or your affiliation, and all data will be anonymized and de-identified. We will ...