Side Event on the 15th of July on managing interactions across SDGs: a tool for policymakers

Date and time:  Friday 15 July 2016;  
Venue: Conference Room D, UN Conference Building

While the scientific community has emphasized the need for a systems approach to sustainable development, scientists, like policy-makers, are now facing the challenge of turning the goals into reality. Recognizing the integrated, indivisible nature of the Agenda 2030, the International Council for Science, with its research partners, is exploring an integrated and strategic approach to the implementation of the SDGs, aiming to create a common conceptual framework to help policymakers and investors identify and manage synergies and tradeoffs across goals and targets. 

The side event will present the framework, which is a seven point scale, and explore with policy makers from both developed and developing countries the challenges and knowledge gaps they face in the implementation of the SDGs.

Gordon McBean, President of ICSU

Måns Nilsson (Stockholm Environment Institute)

Felipe Castro Pachón (Inter-institutional commission for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and Director of Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies; Government of Colombia

Frédérique SEYLER, (Directrice adjointe du département « Dynamiques Internes et de Surface des Continents », Institut de recherche pour le développement)

The draft framework of SDGs interactions will be available here on 16 June: here. The final report on interactions will be available end of 2016 on the ICSU website. This work builds on the scientific review of the targets lead by ICSU in 2015.

moderated by Felix Dodds Senior Fellow at the Globa; Research Institute University of North Carolina


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