Guest blog on the Role and Place of the High-Level Political Forum in Strengthening the Global Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development

The Role and Place of the High-Level Political Forum in Strengthening the Global Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development – An effort to analyse the challenges to the High Level Political Forum and offer a few options
Guest blog by Jan Gustav Strandenaes

The UNGA decision and resolution behind the HLPF
On July 9, 2013, during the morning session of its 91st Plenary Meeting, the United Nations General Assembly, UNGA, in resolution 67/290 formally adopted by consensus the format and the organizational aspects of the high level political forum (HLPF). The resolution also recommended to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), to abolish the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), effective from the conclusion of its 20th and last session, to be held prior to the first meeting of the forum later that same year. With ten introductory and thirty operative paragraphs, the resolution on HLPF stakes out the direction of global sustainable development policies including a governance structure for the next twenty years. Unless it would be subjected to serious revisions, this construct will heavily influence policies on sustainable development at all levels, global, regional, national and local – at least until 2032 – when the UN will organize Rio plus 40 (or Stockholm plus 60). The HLPF will be the key unit in the international framework for sustainable development for this period
HLPF is thought to be the most important intergovernmental mechanism in the follow-up to outcomes on sustainable development agreed at the Rio Summit that took place in 2012. The structure of HLPF is new – as is explained below – but its real position within the international framework for sustainable development will only be seen and understood when its total working agenda is complete. And the totality of that agenda will not be complete until after the September Summit on the Post 2015 Development Agenda this year.
The HLPF resolution reflects in many ways a compilation of experience, knowledge and process understanding of more than twenty years of sustainable development deliberations at the global level. Accordingly, virtually everything one needs to be concerned about in relationship to the Post 2015 Development Agenda is  at least potentially in place.(continues here)
(this is one of the papers for the Friends of Governance for Sustainable Development). IT is also in the book 'Governance for Sustainable Development:  Ideas for the Post 2015 Agenda’ edited by  Hoonmin Lim, Sara Luna and Oana Rebedea, David Banisar, Felix Dodds and Quinn McKew (available here)


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