Felix Dodds joins The City of Bonn's International Ambassadors

Taking Bonn abroad: Mayor Nimptsch nominates Bonn Ambassadors

Germany-wide as well as abroad, the city of Bonn stands for internationality and economic potential. In both of these areas, local personalities have now been found whose reputation and international networks are excellent and whose opinion easily makes its weight felt. Mayor Nimptsch has nominated 24 of these personalities as Bonn Ambassadors. Seventeen have been awarded this title, receiving their official certificates of appointment from Mayor Nimptsch in Bonn’s Old Town Hall.

When communicating with their counterparts or traveling abroad, these personalities will learn about new ideas and projects first-hand. Owing to their excellent contacts, they can bring up the City of Bonn during the initial planning phase of relocation processes or new settlements, or for future cooperation and conferences. And they are willing to do so.

Felix Dodds said:
"I am honored to be invited to be one of the great City of Bonn's International Ambassadors. It is a major UN city and I have attended many UNFCCC meetings there supporting the idea of water being part of the climate negotiations. I have also had the pleasure of being on the German Government Steering Committees for Bonn Water (2001), Bonn Energy (2004) and Bonn Nexus (2011), But it was chairing the UN DPI NGO Conference on 'Sustainable Societies - Responsive Citizens' in 2011  where i had the opportunity to work with the Mayors Office and realize what true leadership he is showing with the City.

Unfortunately I was not able to attend the session on Bonn but look forward to promoting the City and its excellent international work."  

Mayor Nimptsch recognized this commitment with the nomination as Bonn Business Ambassador or Bonn International Ambassador respectively, asking Bonn’s new ambassadors to continue advocating the City of Bonn, thereby actively supporting the future development of Bonn as international city and business location. “Be active in your networks, stay close to decision makers and have the right argument at hand at the right time. Always keep Bonn in your hearts and in the back of your minds”, said Nimptsch.

"With their informal and honorary commitment for Bonn, the new ambassadors will especially make use of a bonus in terms of sympathy and competence, which will consolidate locational marketing in favor of Bonn’s future economic and international development. They will be supported by respective points of contact within Bonn’s city administration. Following a pilot phase, Bonn’s first ambassadors will soon be supported by further personalities."

The international City of Bonn sends out signals to the world in favor of sustainability, development and cooperation. The City of Bonn as business location is characterized by innovation and strong economic potential.

Among Bonn’s International Ambassadors are:
  • Dr. h.c. Erik Bettermann, Chair, Board of Trustees, Deutsche Welthungerhilfe and Chairman of the Board, Internationaler Demokratiepreis Bonn
  • Felix Dodds, international senior expert on sustainability issues and networking of stakeholders
  • Prof. Dr. Joachim von Braun, Head, Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn
  • Prof. Dato‘ Dr. Anwar Fazal, Director, Right Livelihood College Bonn
  • Stefan Gsänger, Secretary General, World Wind Energy Association
  • Klaus Milke, Chairman of the Board, Germanwatch and Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit
  • Prof. Dr. Conrad Schetter, Director for Research, Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)
  • Prof. Dr. Ludger Kühnhardt, Executive Director, Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI), University of Bonn
  • Peter Limbourg, Director General, Deutsche Welle
  • Prof. Dr. Jürgen Fohrmann, President, University of Bonn
Among Bonn’s Business Ambassadors are:
  • Alfons am Zehnhoff-Söns, Managing Partner,  Am Zehnhoff-Söns GmbH
  • Guido Degen, Vice President Business Development and Strategic Planning,  GKN Powder Metallurgy
  • Richard Andreas Domschke, Entrepreneur, formerly Managing Partner, Creditreform Bonn Domschke KG
  • Dorothee Dzwonnek, Secretary General, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
  • Wolfgang Grießl, Chair, IHK Bonn/Rhein-Sieg and CEO, Phoenix Software GmbH
  • Dr. Jörg Haas, Member of the Board, HW Partners and BonnVisio GmbH & Co. KG Real Estate
  • Prof. Dr. Hartmut Ihne President University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
  • Nigel Lange, Chief Executive, Sirtex Medical Europe GmbH
  • Goodarz Mahbobi, CEO, axxessio GmbH
  • Dr. Chris Müller, Principal, Bonn International School
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Pierre Luigi Nicotera, Chairman of the Board, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Vicente Perez-Lucerga, President & CEO, Kautex Textron Gmbh & Co.KG
  • Winfried Post, General Manager & CEO, Agfa Healthcare GmbH
  • Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Reul, Medical Director and CEO, Beta Klinik


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