World Environment Day and the Nexus

Happy World Environment Day June 5th. 

How do you solve the world's greatest water, food, climate, and energy challenges? The integrative, or nexus, approach recognizes that these issues are interconnected and require collaboration from multiple sectors to address, and ultimately solve, them. It  is increasingly clear: There is no place in an interlinked world for isolated solutions aimed at just one sector. If the world is going to reduce hunger and eradicate poverty, achieving security for water, energy and food is critical. This challenge is becoming even more critical with the impacts of climate change, and water will be the medium by which we will address much of the nexus.

The video below is one of the outputs from the 2014 Nexus Conference (water-energy-food-climate).

Created by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Journalism students as an output of the Nexus 2014 Conference, this video illustrates the benefits of the nexus approach and calls for policymakers to keep it in mind while creating the next set of global development goals. Also, to celebrate World Environment Day (June 5), this video highlights the impact of positive environmental action on protecting our planet.

Prepare now to input our abstracts to the 2015 Nexus Conference (15-17th March 2015) from July 1st 2014 to October 31st 2014. More information coming very soon.

Enjoy the video and please share it.


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