68th session of the General Assembly: Overview of events with opportunities for civil society participation around its opening week

68th session of the General Assembly

Overview of events with opportunities for civil society participation
around its opening week

The following events during the High Level Week of the 68th session of the UN General Assembly are intended to substantively contribute to shaping the post-2015 development agenda, including the Sustainable Development Goals. Major groups of Civil society and other stakeholders will have an opportunity to engage in the inter-governmental processes, with limited access, as well as in a series of UN and/or civil society led events that will be open to all NGOs.  Participation details for each of these inter-related events are provided below. In addition, governments and/or civil society are convening side events for which dates and venues will be confirmed by late August. A provisional list of relevant side events can be accessed here:  http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/pdf/proposed-side-events-2013-special-event.pdf

Friday 20 September, 10 am to 1 pm: 20th session, Commission on Sustainable Development
Member states decided in resolution 67/203 that the CSD would have its last session (CSD-20) immediately prior to the convening of the first meeting of the high level political forum on sustainable development. CSD 20 will be held the morning of Friday 20 September from 10 AM to 1PM in Conference room 2 (CB). Following the opening remarks, a panel of former Chairs of CSD will be organized to reflect on the achievements and lessons learned from the Commission as well as to set the stage for the establishment of the high level political forum. Intervention from Major Groups will be coordinated by the Major Groups organizing partners.
More information: http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/index.php?menu=1211
Registration page (22064) open: http://bit.ly/1bOk5ix

Friday 20 September 2 to 6 pm Groups and other Stakeholders Briefing Day
This event will aim at taking stock of Rio+20 progress and will provide stakeholders a comprehensive picture of where the agenda is at the moment, windows of opportunity to influence the international agenda, provide space for joint advocacy, with a focus on the High Level Political Forum, financing for SD.
Placeholder registration page (22128): http://bit.ly/17eGYqb

Sunday 22 September, 10 am to 1 pm (exact times TBD). Major Groups and other Stakeholders Briefing Day (continued)
This event will focus on the current state of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) process, what happens next including planning on the intersessional with the co-chairs and the morning hearings, the creation of potential clusters and planning for the February to September drafting process. This session will also explore the role stakeholders have in achieving the ongoing convergence between the SDGs and post-2015 processes.

Sunday 22 September: Regional Recommendations on Post-2015: A Dialogue
On 22 September 2013, a dialogue between civil society, governments, and UN representatives on regional recommendations towards the post-2015 development agenda will be convened by UN-NGLS in partnership with the Post-2015 Development Planning Team of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General. This dialogue will serve as a follow-up to the UN-NGLS consultation gathering regional perspectives of civil society, particularly from the global South. It is expected that the summary of this event will serve as an input into the 25 September Special Event. Registration is open for civil society.
More information: http://www.un-ngls.org/spip.php?article4335  
Registration page (22063) open: http://bit.ly/12P5KiK

Monday 23 September: High-Level Meeting on Disability
On 23 September, a High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the realization of the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed development goals for persons with disabilities, organized in accordance with resolution 66/124 will be organized.
More information: http://www.un.org/disabilities/default.asp?id=1590  
Registration (21443) closed.

Monday 23 September: SG’s High-Level Forum on accelerating action and partnering for impact
In advance of the Special Event on the 25th of September, the Secretary-General will host a High-Level Forum to catalyze and accelerate further action to achieve the MDGs. The event will focus on concrete examples of scaling up success and identifying opportunities for more. The emphasis will be on the “how” – bringing together examples from partnerships across the spectrum of MDGs and Secretary-General’s initiatives. The event is expected to include a social media component. Participants will include invitees from amongst member states, business, civil society, philanthropists and other stakeholders.

Monday 23 September TBD: Side event on Sustainable cities
Side event organized by DESA/DSD with Local Authorities Major Groups. The outcome will be reported to the inaugural HLPF on 24 September. Online registration to open soon.
Placeholder registration page (22129): http://bit.ly/163pwpy

Monday 23 September TBD: Side event on Voluntary commitments for sustainable development
Side event organized by DESA/DSD . The outcome will be reported to the inaugural HLPF on 24 September. Online registration to open soon.
Placeholder registration page (22130): http://bit.ly/1bG1DeC

Tuesday 24 September: Inaugural session, High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
The first meeting of the high-level political forum on sustainable development (to replace the Commission on Sustainable Development following a Rio+20 decision) held at the Heads of State level under the auspices of the General Assembly will take place on 24 September 2013. The forum will include four Dialogues opened to Heads of State and Government, Heads of UN entities and other international organizations, as well as high-level representatives of Major Groups and other relevant stakeholders.
More information: http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/index.php?menu=1556  
No online registration as space is extremely limited.

Wednesday 25 September: Special event to follow up on efforts on MDGs
A special event to follow up on efforts made towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 65/1, will be held on 25 September 2013. More details on the event will be posted on the page below as they become available. The President of the General Assembly will draw up a list of representatives of NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC, as well as other relevant civil society organizations, academic institutions, youth groups and private sector representatives. Nominations by non-ECOSOC groups will be circulated to Member States on a no-objection basis. Seating will be extremely limited. Registration will be closed on 19 August 2013 and is open from this page: http://bit.ly/12yGM3y
More information: http://www.un.org/en/ga/68/meetings/index.shtml  
Registration page (22043) open: http://bit.ly/12yGM3y

Thursday 26 September: High-level meeting of the General Assembly on nuclear disarmament
The President of the General Assembly is drawing up a list of representatives of non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council that will participate in the high-level meeting.
More information: http://www.un.org/disarmament/WMD/Nuclear/
Registration (21765) closed.

Thursday 3 and Friday 4 October: High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development
The General Assembly will have a High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development on 3 and 4 October 2013. In preparation, the President of the General Assembly will held one-day informal interactive hearings with representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations and the private sector at the United Nations headquarters in New York on 15 July 2013. Registration is closed.
More information: http://www.un.org/esa/population/meetings/HLD2013/hld2013.html  
Registration (20963) closed.
All events are posted and updated at: 

republished with thanks to Chantal Line Carpentier and Jeffery Huffnes


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