dates out for Rio+20

Dear Friends,

Stakeholder Forum is launching Earth Summit Network News, the newsletter that will keep you informed about developments by the UN, governments and stakeholders in the buildup to Rio+20. SF will manage and distribute this publication each month so that various stakeholders remain connected, up-to-date and can share information via our network as we work towards the Summit.

You can also stay informed by joining our Earth Summit 2012 group on Facebook (click here to join) or by following developments around the Summit on Twitter at @RIOPLUS20

If your organisation has news or an announcement you would like to make please send your proposed entry to The entry could share information about an event, meeting, report or article. You can also make contributions to our blog about your experiences in the build up to Rio+20.

Earth Summit and intersessional dates announuced

The United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) has confirmed dates for the Earth Summit (14-16 May 2012) as well as meetings of the Preparatory Committee, known as PrepComs, and intersessional meetings. Key dates:

Rio+20 Intersessional 10th and 11th January
Rio+20 PrepCom March 7th and 8th
Rio+20 Second Intersessional meeting 14,15,16th November

Rio+20 3rd Intersessional 5,6,7th March
Rio+20 third PrepCom 9th,10th 11th May
Rio+20 conference 14,15,16th May

Rio+20 questionnaire released
The UNCSD have released new Rio+20 Questionnaires via its official website. Three questionnaires have been made available for Major Groups, Member States and United Nations System Organizations (and other stakeholders) focusing on; Experiences; Success Factors; and Risks and Challenges with Regard to Objective and Themes of UN Conference on Sustainable Development. The questionnaires are to be filled in before 31 October 2010. To view the questionnaires go to

New UN High Level panel on Sustainability announced
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has unveiled a new panel on global sustainability that is tasked with finding ways to lift people out of poverty while tackling climate change and ensuring that economic development is environmentally friendly. To read the article in , or to view the panel's Terms of Reference and a full list of members.

New UN Website for Rio+20 set up

The United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development has launched an official website for the Rio+20 Earth Summit in 2012.

A Timeline for Sustainable Development

Stakeholder Forum has produced a timeline of key events in sustainable development over the past forty years, it.

UK Stakeholder Meetings on Rio+20
On 15th July 2010 Stakeholder Forum brought together a diverse range of UK stakeholders to discuss the Rio+20 Earth Summit and the outcomes from the first preparatory meeting (PrepComm1), which took place in New York from 17th-19th May 2010.

Earth Summit Updates
Follow us on Twitter @RIOPLUS20

Join the Earth Summit 2012 Group on Facebook

On 27th September 2010 the 10th Annual Conference of the German Council for Sustainable Development will take place in Berlin to discuss the challenges ahead of Rio+20. #

Outcomes From Prepcom1

Stakeholder Forum endeavours to keep stakeholders informed about issues and outcomes from PrepComs and intersessional meetings in the build up to Rio+20.

Consultative Group established for Sustainable Development Governance

A new consultative group has been established on by the UNEP Governing Council to build upon the work of the previous group and consider options for broader reform of the current International Environmental Governance (IEG) system. The outcome of the Group's discussions will be contributed to the preparatory process for the Rio+20 Conference in support of its second theme: The institutional framework for Sustainable Development. The Group's last meeting was
held in July.

Earth Summit Special Advisors Group appointed

Earth Summit Secretary General Sha Zukang has appointed two special advisors to help with Summit preparations, Nikil Seth and Juwang Zhu.

SF and Scottish Sustainable Development Forum (SSDF) to host multi-stakeholder dialogue

How can Scotland's experience of local green economies inform global policy discussions on sustainable development? SSDF has partnered with Stakeholder Forum for a day of discussion and debate with high profile speakers and workshops on 21st September.


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