UN General Assembly debate on Rio+20 starts

The initial statements by G77 and China and the EU wer made today on Rio+20 in the UN General Assembly Second Committee.
G77 and China said:
"This cycle also concludes with the preparations for the World Summit,Rio+20. 2012 will mark the twentieth anniversary of the 1992 Earth Summit and the ten year anniversary of the WSSD held in 2002. It will be 40 years after the Stockholm Conference of 1972. Guided by the "Rio Spirit", we hope that this conference will provide us with an opportunity to thoroughly review and assess the progress achieved since those momentus summits and provide the necessary political impetus for action required to bridge the implementation gap. In this context, the G77 and China supports and welcomes the offer to host such a Summit in 2012 and looks forward to the discussions on the modalities of this conference during this session."

The EU statement by the Swedish Presidency said:
"With apprecitation for the G77 proposal, the EU values a High Level Event on Sustainable Development in 2012 as an opportunity to make furtehr progress on the mainstreaming of sustainability policies that foster green economy and reduce poverty. For an event to be meaningful there has to be braod agreement in this Assembly on how it can complement already ongoing processes in the field of sustainable development and be planned so as not to divert resources from or negatively affect them. The EU looks forward to engage actively in the forthcoming discussions on developing the content and agenda of the HLESD. We are very much encouraged by the quality of the debate held in this Committee last week on green growth."


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