Switzerland backs the Summit

In Committee 2 of the UN General Assembly the Government of Switzerland backs Rio+20:

"A new high level event on sustainable development - 40 years after Stockholm, 20 years after Rio and 10 years after Johannesburg - could offer a welcome opportunity to give new impetus to common approaches and solutions for addressing pressing ecological, economic and social challenges. To make sure that such an event is a success, a clear and shared vision of the scope and the expected outcomes will be needed, and a solid and constructive prepration process will have to be put into place.

With regard to the scope, we believe that such an event could serve the following purposes:
+ to assess teh implementation of the outcomes of the former major conferences in the area of sustanble development;
+ to identify and addtress existing gaps in the international regime with regard to the environmental, economic and social challenges which have not yet received the attention they merit and;
+ to critically assess the existing governance structures with regard to environment and sustainable development and make proposals to improve the coherence, effectiveness and efficency of governance in each of the three pillars of sustainable development."

The preparatory process will be decisive for the potntial success of a 2012 high level event. It must be adequately fine-tuned to the scope and expected outcomes of the event, transparent and inclusive. In our view, the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) is not the appropriate preparatory body for the high-level event. The CSD already has an established multi-year work programme. With regard to the outcome, the 2012 high level event would have to be set up in such a way as to enable it to achieve a far reaching declaration targeted on specific key subjects strenthening effectiveness, coherence and innovation of sustainable development worldwide.


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