UNEA -7 theme “Advancing sustainable solutions for a resilient planet”

UNEP announcement “Advancing sustainable solutions for a resilient planet” A year ahead of UNEA-7, the UNEA Bureau at a joint meeting of the Bureaux of UNEA and CPR defined the UNEA-7 theme, “Advancing sustainable solutions for a resilient planet” after broad consultations with Member States and observers, including the major groups and stakeholders, led by the UNEA Presidency. The theme sends a strong message to accelerate sustainable solutions and effective responses for a safer and more resilient planet. This theme recognizes that striving for a world that is just, equitable and inclusive hinges on advancing sustainable development, promoting sustained and inclusive economic growth, social development and environmental protection to benefit all, as recognized in the “ Future We Want ”. Thus, a resilient planet is one where healthy ecosystems are prioritized; where resource intensity is reduced and efficiency is enhanced; where consumpt...