Bibliography from the Friends of Governance - SDG 3 and SDG 16
This is a collection of papers from the Friends of Governance workshops since 2015. As the papers often dealt with more than one sustainable development goal, they may be represented in more than one bibliography
This can be found on the Friends of Governance website and over the coming months we will add the relevant papers for other SDGs.
Adieno, D. (2017).
Citizen Data around Governance for the Sustainable Development Goals.
Banisar, D. (2015).
Role of transparency and access to information in development David
Banisar– .
Banisar, D. (2015).
Selected High-Level and UNGA Resolutions on Sustainable Development Governance
Banisar, D. (2017). High-Level
and UNGA Resolutions on Sustainable Development
Governance: Existing
Language for Committee of Experts on Public Administration.
D. (2020). An Unhealthy Silence Openness and the COVID-19
Transparency Gap.
Basu, T. (2020). Plugging the Leak: Why opening
governments and tackling
corruption is essential to protect
development finance after COVID19
Dodds, F. (2015). Partnerships lessons from the first ten years
of Type 2 Partnerships – Friends of Governance for Sustainable Development.
Dodds, F., Bartram, J., & Ocampo,
G. (2019). Misaligned SDG targets:
How to handle target dates before
M. (2019). Justice, Peace and Inclusion for Sustainability or
Climate Apartheid?
Espey, J., de la Mothe Karoubi,
E., & Schmidt-Traub. (2015, 2016). The Data Revolution for Sustainable Development – Friends of Governance for
Sustainable Development.
Fernandez, J., & Victoria, F. (2018). Advancing the 2030 Agenda: Lessons
learnt from the first cycle of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) – how far can we go?
Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability. (2020).
The United Nations and the COVID-19
Foundation for Global
Governance and Sustainability. (2020). Operating the UN System
Under Crisis Conditions.
Friends of Governance for Sustainable Development.
(2018). How to address interlinkages among the Sustainable Development Goals in the HLPF?
Guillán Montero,
A., & Le Blanc, D. (2020). Resilient institutions in times of crisis: Transparency, accountability and
participation at the national level key to effective response to COVID-19.
Hanif, N.
(2020). Financial Accountability, Transparency, and Integrity
for Sustainable Development.
Hemmati, M., & Dodds, F. (2017).
Principles and Practices
of Multi-stakeholder
Partnerships for Sustainable Development – Guidance and Oversight from UN
Hiniker, A. (2018). Global Vision | Urban Action:
New York City’s
Voluntary Local Review
of the Sustainable Development Goals.
M. (2020). UNGASS 2021: Advancing the global
anti-corruption agenda.
Kostakos, G. (2021). The UN and the COVID-19
Global Emergency: Proposals for meaningfully surviving beyond UN@75.
O. (2015). Information and Communication Technologies: New
drivers for development and the post-2015 agenda
Niestroy, I., Hege, E., Dirth, E., & Zondervan, R. (2019). Europe’s approach to implementing the Sustainable
Development Goals.
Orellana, M. (2015, 2016). Toward an Instrument on Environmental Democracy
in Latin America and the Caribbean
Oumarou Ibrahim,
H. (2020). We are in a Climate
N. (2015). SDGs and sustainable development governance as we are
today .
Strandenaes, J.-G. (2018). HLPF, the Major Groups, Other Stakeholders and the Future
of the 2030 Agenda.
Timilsina, A., & Lui, C. (2021). An Integrated Approach
to Anti-Corruption: Opportunities and Challenges.
Zubcevic, I. (2020). Impact of COVID-19: Perspective from Voluntary National
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