What do you do after the UN Water Conference - Register for the UNC Water and Health Conference


2023 UNC Water and Health Conference:
Science, Policy, and Practice

Dear Felix,   


We are writing to remind you that the portal to submit abstracts for the 2023 UNC Water and Health Conference is open! This year’s conference will be held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina from October 23 – 27th, 2023.

You can submit your abstract using the portal below: 

Abstract Submission Portal

To help you with your abstract submission, the Water Institute is holding two virtual Abstract Workshops. The workshops will be hosted by experts in the field who will discuss what to include in your abstract, writing tips, and typical formatting. The workshops will be held through a live Zoom session on March 28th at 9 am EDT and April 12th at 9am EDT. Please register and submit questions in advance through this form to make sure we answer your questions and send you the Zoom link to attend the sessions.


Best Regards, 

The Water Institute at UNC 


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