The Glasgow Tourism Declaration

Statement on signing The Glasgow Tourism Declaration, from the President of SUNx Malta , Professor Geoffrey Lipman: “ The Glasgow Tourism Declaration is a great start to improve sector climate response, and we are pleased to be an early signatory. It moves in the right direction, but it has to go further and it has to go faster. It builds on previous UNWTO Tourism & Climate Declarations in Djerba in 2003 and Davos in 2007. All good and well intentioned, but now we need much more to help to avert the “Code Red” Climate Crisis that all UN states are facing. To fully respond to the science and the extreme weather calamities around the world we need a DASH-2-Zero if we are to cross the finishing line in time. The Glasgow goal of a Net Carbon Zero travel industry by 2050 should shift to 2030, with a hard stop of all greenhouse gas emissions (carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, and methane compounds) by 2050. This will be our focus. What is very positive is the emphasis on measurement ...