UK Climate Change Challenge - and Mid Derbyshire

As some of you will know I am standing in Mid-Derbyshire for the Liberal Democrats. I have a story I want to share with you. In 2010 I sat in the rooms at the UN Copenhagen Climate Summit while heads of state attempted unsuccessfully to secure a climate agreement. It was a very depressing flight back from Copenhagen after two years of careful work ending with no deal. Addressing climate change is a very difficult issue to address. We have become addicted to fossil fuels whether in their use for heating our houses, producing electricity for powering our economy or transporting us to work or on holiday or for that matter in wrapping our food and goods in one of their use’s plastics. The scientists are nearly unanimous that we are contribution through the use of fossil fuels to the heating of the planet. It is true to say that consecutive governments have wasted over twenty years when we could have made real progress. Governments like the UK and USA have been relucta...