Guest Blog: Support youth climate change action

By Mariam Khalil, BA student, HEC - Montreal. “We have been born into this world and we have to live with this crisis, and our children and our grandchildren. We are facing the greatest existential crisis humanity has ever faced. And yet it has been ignored." these are the words of Greta Thunberg, who led today a march, I took part in, in Montreal as part of the global youth mobilisation for climate and for the future of our planet. The climate crisis is an emergency – we want everyone to start acting like it. We demand climate justice for everyone. Our hotter planet is already hurting millions of people. If we don’t act now to transition fairly and swiftly away from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy for all, the injustice of the climate crisis will only get worse. We need to act right now to stop burning fossil fuels and ensure a rapid energy revolution with equity, reparations and climate justice at its heart. Therefore, and in the framework of HEC humanitarian we...