Guest blog: The Blended Capital Group: Impact Stories - MWEZI

Guest Blog by Paul Clements-Hunt Over seven years, The Blended Capital Group (TBCG) has helped companies raise capital, secure finance, driven complex projects to delivery and helped sell break-through sustainability concepts to investors and policy-makers. Each week during April through June we will highlight how TBCG has empowered sustainability impact at scale in break-through businesses, game-changing civil society organisations and working with change agents in international institutions. For our kick-off week see the compelling MWEZI story below of last mile business success for one of our portfolio companies in the Lake Victoria region of Kenya serving the clean energy needs of agricultural out-growers. TBCG assists clients through three defined channels: D ynamic Investor Relations (DIR) for entrepreneurs, investors, businesses and private projects Dynamic Donor Relations (DDR) for civil society, social purpose and international organisations Scali...