Everything you ever wanted to know about UNEP but were afraid to ask

UNEP have just put up a set of power points (as pdfs) about the way it works for new delegates and I would suggest this is good reading for everyone. PowerPoint presentation-Introduction to UN Environment Programme: History, structure and place in the UN System Uploaded: 26 September 2018 PowerPoint presentation-The work of the Governing Bodies of UN Environment Uploaded: 26 September 2018 PowerPoint presentation-Access to the UN Environment Assembly, Committee of Permanent Representatives Websites and Papersmart portal Uploaded: 26 September 2018 PowerPoint presentation-Brief introduction to the work of Divisions:- Science Division Uploaded: 26 September 2018 PowerPoint presentation-Brief introduction to the work of Divisions:-Law Division Uploaded: 26 September 2018 PowerPoint presen...