Implementing Rio+20

I just had a telephone conversation with Jan Piotrowski from SciDev is an excellent web site that looks at science and science policy interfaces in the area of sustainable development. Jan was calling me for a comment on the paper Anita Nayar and I did for UNEP's Perspective Series on Rio + 20 , which was published on December 24 th . While he was obviously more interested in the science side of the Rio+20 outcomes, it made me think more about the paper that Anita and I had originally written late last summer and how we had widely consulted with stakeholders on particular sections they had been involved with. If you haven't read the paper I encourage you to read it. If you find yourself enjoying it then I highly recommend reading Only One Earth - The Long Road via Rio to Sustainability which I did with Michael Strauss and Maurice Strong . This book gives you an understanding that these conferences are important but happen within a world lan...