Sustainable Development and Climate Change dates 2025

Global plastics treaty negotiations (TBD)


20-24 World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland


10-14 63rd Session of the Commission for Social Development, New York, USA

10-14 Third Session of FfD4 Preparatory Committee, New York, USA

12-13 Africa Union Summit, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

25-27  Convention on Biological Diversity resumed COP16

23 German Election


11-14 Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) Global Forum, Bridgetown, Saint Michael Barbados

12-13 UN Development Forum New York, USA

24-28 20th Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, Rome, Italy

31 -4 Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, Santiago, Chile


2-3 UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, Geneva Switzerland

9-11 Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, Kampala, Uganda

14-25 Biological Diversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) PrepCom I, New York, USA

15-17  Arab Regional Forum on Sustainable Development

25-27 World Bank Group/IMF Spring meetings, Washington, USA

28- 1 ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development, New York, USA

28-9 Basel Convention COP17, Rotterdam Convention COP12, and Stockholm Convention COP12, Geneva, Switzerland

28-30 Our Ocean Conference, Busan South Korea


7-8 UN Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology, and Innovation for the SDGs (STI Forum), New York, USA

12 Philippines election

19-27 World Health Assembly, Geneva, Switzerland

TBD Australian election


2-6 Global Platform for Disaster Rick Reduction, Genea, Switzerland (Overall Theme: Every Day Counts, Act for Resilience Today)

9-13 Third UN Ocean Conference, Nice, Provence-Alpes-Cote D'Azur, France

16-26 62nd sessions of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies ICOP29 preparatory meeting), Bonn, Germany

TBD G7 Summit, Canada

30-3 Fourth International Conference Financing for Development, Seville, Spain


7-11 World Summit on Information Society +20, Geneva, Switzerland 
14-23 UN High Level Political Forum

23-31 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP15)


18-29 BBNJ PrepCom II, New York, USA


8 Norway election

9-23  80th UN General Assembly, New York, USA

23rd Opening of the High Level Segment

21-28 New York Climate Week, New York, USA


17-19  World Bank Gorup/IMF Annual Meetings, Washington, USA

20 Canada election

TBD Tanzania election


4-6th UN World Summit for Social Development, Qatar

10-21 UNFCCC COP, Belem, Brazil

22-23 G20 Heads of State Summit, Johannesburg South Africa


8-12 UN Environmental Assembly, Nairobi, Kenya  (Advancing sustainable solutions for a resilient planet)


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