Special Call for Abstracts: 2024 UNC Water and Health Conference - October 14-18


Special Call for Abstracts 

Unfinished Business of WASH in High-Income Countries


Photo by Tom Fuldner, 2023


Dear Colleague, 

The Water Institute is announcing a
Special Call for Abstracts for the 2024 UNC Water and Health Conference, being held October 14-18 at the Friday Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. This Special Call for Abstracts focuses on the Unfinished Business of WASH in High-Income Countries (HICs). Some themes that may be included under this topic are:

  • Environmental Justice 
  • PFAS and Water Quality 
  • Well Water and Onsite Sanitation 
  • Agriculture and One Health 
  • Wastewater Surveillance
  • WaSH Gaps in High-Income Countries 
  • Disaster Management 
  • New Models for WaSH Service Provision to Close Gaps in Access

If you are working on research aligned with these topics or other WaSH challenges in HICs, please submit your abstract following the instructions below. 


Ready to Submit your Abstract?

To submit your research abstract, please visit the Abstract Portal below. Reminder that the deadline to submit an abstract is May 1st, 2024 at 11:59 PM EDT. After this date, we will not accept late submissions or reopen the portal.

To submit your abstract under this Special Call for Abstracts, please select the option "Yes, I want my abstract to be considered for the Special Abstract Call focusing on WASH challenges in High-Income Countries"

For more information about the conference and our submission process, visit the Conference Website


Submit your Abstract Here



Feel free to contact The Water Institute with any comments, questions, or concerns at waterinstitute@sph.unc.edu





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