The purpose of this side event is to socialize the social and solidarity economy and its role in achieving the SDGs.

Getting on track to achieving the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs and realizing a resilient, inclusive and sustainable recovery from the covid-19 pandemic will not happen through a business-as-usual approach. There is need to identify alternative economic models that can accelerate their achievement. Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) is such a model, especially considering its different roles:

Transformative agent of change: A growing interest among development practitioners, academics, activists and policy makers in forms of economy that are “people-centred and planet-sensitive” has positioned SSE as a significant element in transformative change and achieving the SDGs. In fact, as a source and means of sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth and full and productive employment and decent work for all, SSE has a great potential to facilitate innovative and sustainable solutions to the economic, social and environmental challenges, address the root causes of inequality and exclusion, and ultimately contribute to realizing the transformative vision of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Cross-cutting nature of the SSE: SSE organizations and enterprises contribute to achieving multiple goals and targets simultaneously as they create opportunities (through collective action), extend social protection (through mutual assistance) and empower individuals and communities (through membership-based, democratic management)[1] .

Localizing enabler: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires implementation at the local or sub-national level. The involvement of SSE organizations and enterprises is a promising strategy for localizing the SDGs as they are rooted in their communities where they play an essential role in local economic development and local governance.

Spain was the first European country to approve a specific Act on the Social Economy, which entered into force 11 years ago. In addition, Spain has a National Council for the Promotion of the Social Economy and more than 43,000 social economy enterprises, which represent 10% of GDP and generate more than 2.3 million direct and indirect jobs.

In 2020, the Permanent Representation of France to the United Nations and the French Government, together with the Permanent Representation of Finland to the United Nations organized a side event at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). The Spanish Vice-Minister for Employment and the Social Economy, Mr. Joaquín Pérez Rey, participated in this event, supporting the initiative in favour of a resolution on Social and Solidarity Economy.

Spain would like to seek other countries’ interest in analysing the desirability of promoting a process leading to the approval of a UN General Assembly resolution on the role of the Social and Solidarity Economy in sustainable development, and to assess, if applicable, the most appropriate strategies for ensuring the success of the process and for generating partnerships and support from countries in different regions.

This is why we have convened this side event, which will increase awareness on the role of SSE in achieving SDG1 to SDG9 without compromising SDG10 to SDG16. 

A draft resolution has been mentioned in several international documents, including the European Commission’s Social Economy Action Plan, the Pact for Impact [2]process and the Resolution concerning decent work and the social and solidarity economy adopted at the 110th International Labor Conference. The proposal could be submitted by several member States.


The UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE[3]) aims to raise the visibility of SSE within the UN system and beyond, through the undertaking of joint initiatives by its members.

UNTFSSE is formed by 18 UN agencies and by the OECD, in addition to having 14 observers, most of which are entities specialized in research into SSE and organizations representative of the sector.

Since its creation on 30 September 2013, UNTFSSE has promoted multiple activities to foster and publicize the role that SSE entities play in sustainable development including a forthcoming report assessing how SSE can advance each of the SDGs.

One of its highest priorities is to provide substantive support to member States in their ambitious goal to recognize the role of SSE through a UN General Assembly resolution that would facilitate exchange and learning among member States as well as follow progress on SSE national policies for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Side event

 Friday 22 July 2022 (10:00 – 11:30 am NYT)

UNHQ, New York (CR3)


§  Moderator: Mr. Yvon Poirier, Special Advisor at the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS);

§  H.E. Ms. Yolanda Díaz Pérez, Second Vice-President of the Government and Minister of Labor and the Social Economy of Spain;

§  H.E. Mr. Collen Vixen Kelapile, President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council and Permanent Representative of Botswana to the United Nations.

Round-table discussion on “Partnerships to promote the SSE in the 2030 Agenda”. 

§  Mr. Raymond Landveld, Economic Affairs Officer, New York Office, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD);

§  Ms. Beate Andrees, Special Representative to the UN and Director, Office for the United Nations, International Labour Organization (ILO);

§  Mr. Joseph Njuguna, Policy Coordinator of the International Cooperative Alliance and member of the International Coalition of the SSE (ICSSE);

§  Mr. Pierre Hurmic, President of the Global Social Economy Forum, GSEF and Mayor of Bordeaux, France.

Round-table with “core group” Ministers on “The relevance of a UN General Assembly resolution on SSE and sustainable development: contents and technical aspects”.

 §  H.E. Ms. Marlene Schiappa, State Secretary for Social and Solidarity Economy and Associative Life, France (video);

§  H.E. Mr. Luis Miguel de Camps, Minister of Labor, Dominican Republic;

§  H.E. Ms. Zahra Iyane Thiam Diop, Minister of Microfinance and Social and Solidarity Economy, Senegal;

§  H.E. Mr. Luka Mesec, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Slovenia.

Interventions of Member States, from the floor

Conclusions and closing ceremony:

§  H.E. Ms. Rebeca Grynspan, Secretary-General of UNCTAD (video);

§  H.E. Mr. Guy Ryder, Director-General, ILO (video).

§  H.E. Ms. Yolanda Díaz Pérez, Second Vice-President of the Government and Minister of Labor and the Social Economy of Spain. 

RSVP: coumba.coulibaly@unctad.org  and proffice@maec.es

Streaming: Role of Social and Solidarity Economy in Achieving the SDGs | UN Web TV

Interpretation will be provided in English, French and Spanish 

[1] Numerous papers and studies on the relationship between the SSE and the 2030 Agenda of specific SDGs have been published since 2015; many of those are accessible through the “Knowledge Hub” maintained by the United Nations Task Force on the Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE).

                   [2] https://pact-for-impact.org/

[3] For further information, please consult: https://unsse.org/?lang=en




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