The World Public Sector Report 2021 - National Institutional Arrangements For Implementation Of The Sustainable Development Goals: A Five-Year Stocktaking
The 2021 full report can be downloaded from here. This is the Executive Summary
The World Public Sector Report
With one third of the implementation period of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) having elapsed, it is important to take stock of how far countries have gone in adapting their institutional frameworks to implement the Goals.
Institutions are paramount to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development and all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is well recognized in the Agenda
itself. Five years after the start of the implementation of the Agenda, governance issues remain at the
forefront. Since 2015, most countries have progressively adjusted their
institutional frameworks to support
their commitments to implementing the 2030 Agenda.
Starting in early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted even more
the importance of national institutions for the achievement of the
SDGs. The pandemic
and governments’ responses to it have impacted the functioning of public institutions in ways that directly affect
the capacity of governments to deliver the SDGs, starting
with the basic functions of government and public administration such as law- and policy-making and public service
delivery. The pandemic
has also revealed
institutional weaknesses in areas critical
for piloting the SDGs. On the other
hand, the year 2020 has also witnessed institutional innovations in areas as diverse as administrative management, stakeholder engagement, transparency and accountability.
In this context, it is doubly important to take stock
of institutional developments for implementing the 2030 Agenda at the national level. The World Public
Sector Report 2021 aims to shed light on this area, through a focus on three
aspects of it: the evolution of institutional arrangements for SDG implementation; the development, performance, strengths and weaknesses of monitoring and
evaluation systems for the SDGs; and the efforts made by governments and other
stakeholders to enhance the capacity of public servants to implement the
SDGs. These three dimensions were relevant before the pandemic and have arguably taken
on even more importance since then. The report draws on information at the global
level as well as desk research on a sample of 24
countries from all regions. The report also examines the broader impacts of the
COVID-19 pandemic on national institutions and their implications for delivering on the 2030 Agenda.
Changes in institutional arrangements for implementation
of the Sustainable Development Goals at the national level since 2015
Chapter 1
undertakes a comparative analysis of institutional arrangements adopted mainly
by a set of 24 countries to deliver specific functions in relation to SDG implementation. Many countries are still
putting in place
or adjusting key elements of their institutional systems with regard to SDG implementation. On the
whole, there is a general trend of deeper institutionalization as well as multiplication of entry points for various actors to support
SDG implementation. In fact, compared to other
internationally-agreed development frameworks, the first
five years of implementation of the 2030 Agenda have seen unprecedented institutionalization at the national
The chapter
examines changes in several institutional areas that are considered critical
in enabling SDG implementation, namely
adaptation of legal and regulatory frameworks at the national level;
the integration of the SDGs into national
strategies and plans;
the development of SDG implementation roadmaps; the creation
of piloting structures in government; and the development of aspects of national monitoring and reporting on the SDGs. Greater and more complex institutionalization of the SDGs can be seen in national settings
since 2015. The 2030 Agenda
and the SDGs have achieved
relatively high visibility as well as political salience as an overarching policy agenda
in both developing and developed countries, with most countries having put in place coordination arrangements for implementation at a high level. The Goals’ integration into national strategies and plans, and their reach into government agencies working in all sectors
and across levels
of governments, are evident. Also striking are efforts made by national governments to measure progress on the SDGs, both through global and national indicators.
Institutionalization of the SDGs has occurred at different speeds across
countries, and within countries across levels of government and parts of the institutional system. While institutionalization does not seem to have occurred more rapidly in either developed or developing countries, many developed countries took a long time to institutionalize the SDGs. Patterns of institutionalization of SDG implementation at the country level are highly idiosyncratic, and no regularities or “typical” patterns are easily discernible across countries; nor are institutional adjustments always gradual
or even linear.
Since 2015, institutional entry points for key stakeholders to get involved in SDG implementation at the national
level have tended
to increase in number and importance, reflecting the increasing maturity of
institutional arrangements. They have enabled
parliaments, supreme audit institutions, subnational and local governments,
non-governmental organizations, academia and experts, and the
private sector to engage in various aspects of the elaboration of relevant
strategies and plans, SDG implementation, monitoring, follow-up, review, and evaluation, and feedback to policymaking. Yet some institutional actors contribute more than others
to the mechanisms and processes set up around
SDG implementation.
In many
countries, parliaments are still not playing a regular role in oversight of
government actions to implement the SDGs. Many parliaments, however, have issued
at least one report on SDG implementation since 2015. The engagement of supreme audit institutions differs significantly across countries. As regards civil society, opportunities available for participation and levels of engagement also vary. However, in general voluntary
national reviews (VNRs)
have catalyzed civil society engagement around the SDGs, even in countries that did not have a
strong tradition of engaging
civil society in decision-making. The engagement
of local governments is highly variable across and even within countries. Sustained efforts at SDG localization have borne fruit in some contexts, including
in the form of voluntary
local reviews. The existence of national coordination and
advisory bodies often enables and facilitates various forms of engagement with
the Goals by non-state actors as well as subnational and local
Significant differences remain
across countries in terms of the depth of SDG institutionalization.
Institutionalization at the national
level is therefore a work in progress, with most countries still in the process of refining their institutional arrangements for implementation of the Goals and integrating them within the broader institutional system. This long process is not surprising given the time it takes to change institutions as well as the broad range of the Goals, and some trends
are encouraging. In many countries, there is still
potential for further engagement of various stakeholders in SDG processes. Here
too, the trends are encouraging.
Evaluations of the effectiveness of institutional arrangements for SDG implementation at the national
level are still
There is scope for greater activity in this area, as well as significant insight to be gained from it.
follow-up and review of the Sustainable Development Goals at the national level
Monitoring, follow-up
and review systems
and processes are essential for the effective implementation of the SDGs. Countries would ideally integrate SDG
monitoring, follow-up and review into existing monitoring and evaluation
systems to avoid overlaps and parallel systems.
However, given the diversity and different level of institutionalization of existing monitoring systems, countries are at different stages of, and taking
different approaches to, SDG monitoring, follow-up and review. Chapter 2 analyses these efforts and identifies strengths
and opportunities for improvement in relation to how countries
are integrating SDG monitoring with other monitoring processes and with key accountability institutions, opening up opportunities for stakeholder engagement, and using monitoring information to improve SDG implementation.
The chapter finds progress in the institutionalization of
SDG follow-up and review systems and in the setting up of national indicator frameworks. National efforts to institutionalize and strengthen SDG monitoring, follow up, and review are evident.
However, the resulting systems differ depending on how the SDGs have been integrated into each country’s institutional structure. Moreover, while most countries
have identified the institutions responsible for SDG monitoring, the performance of such institutional arrangements and systems is not always conducive to effective follow-up
and review.
Regarding indicators, most countries have conducted assessments and prioritization exercises to identify the availability of national indicators based on the global SDG indicator framework, and have identified a national set of SDG indicators. However, fewer have identified national targets, baselines and benchmarks. There is also limited
information on the alignment of national and global indicators.
Progress is
also evident in the traction of the VNR process and its spillover effects at
the subnational level. Overall, countries have improved
the preparation of the VNRs and the VNR reports
themselves. Online reporting
has also increased, as countries leverage ICTs and open data to communicate on SDG progress
and implementation.
While some countries have established periodic and regular reporting processes at the national level, standardized or routine national reporting and reporting to parliament present
opportunities for improvement. The limited provision of regular SDG implementation reports to parliament illustrates the lack of articulation with the institutional oversight system to ensure accountability. A note for optimism is the increasing number of external
audit reports on SDGs and the significant uptake they have had in several countries. Stakeholder engagement has also increased
and more diverse
stakeholders are contributing to SDG follow-up and review.
The chapter
identifies significant opportunities for improvement. These include
coordination and integration of SDG monitoring,
follow-up and review with existing monitoring systems, and strengthening
subnational participation in SDG monitoring as well as subnational reporting processes. Other constraints relate to data gaps, disaggregation and quality, coordination of data producers and the capacity of local
governments to collect and analyse data. Subnational governments have also experienced challenges with regard to the definition of roles and responsibilities for SDG monitoring, follow-up and review and their
operationalization. The value
of embedding VNRs as part of a continuous cycle
of national monitoring, follow- up and review
also deserves attention.
The COVID-19 pandemic has
impacted SDG monitoring, follow-up and review. It has negatively affected the
fulfillment of monitoring responsibilities and the routine operation of national statistical systems and oversight bodies. It has also imposed new challenges to the participation of stakeholders, and disrupted VNR preparations as a result
of social distancing measures.
Innovation, new partnerships and digital technologies have been crucial to support SDG monitoring. However, structural bottlenecks related to communications infrastructure and access to digital devices should be addressed to ensure inclusive and effective SDG monitoring, follow-up
and review going
Building the capacity
of public servants
to implement the 2030 Agenda
The 2030 Agenda recognizes that capacity in governments at all levels
is critical to successfully implement, follow up and review the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Achieving
the Goals hinges
in large part on competent and effective national public administrations. Chapter 3 explores capacity-building efforts directed at enabling public servants at all levels to steer and support the transformations called for by the 2030 Agenda. The chapter focuses on capacity-building in relation to cross-cutting functions that directly support SDG implementation, leaving aside capacity-building efforts at the level of specific goals and targets.
Capacity-building for SDG implementation for public servants
at the national level is delivered by an impressive variety of actors, both national and international.
Government institutions and schools of public administration are prime
“natural” providers of capacity-building activities on SDG implementation targeted at public servants. In many countries, government departments have developed training
material and delivered
training activities on SDGs, in others such training has been organized for members of parliament. Academia
also plays a key role, often operating
in collaboration with governments. National and international
networks working with specific constituencies such as local governments,
parliaments, supreme audit institutions and others have played a considerable role in developing training material and administering training
in public institutions. International institutions and global think tanks have also been active in this area.
Since 2015, Governments -- either individually or in partnership with local, national
and global actors
-- have carried out a broad range of initiatives to raise awareness
of the SDGs among public
servants and enhance
their skills in a variety
of areas. Important efforts have been
made to provide support and training in key areas identified in the 2030 Agenda as needing strengthening. For instance, Governments have enhanced capacities to mainstream the SDGs in long-term planning, while training-of-trainers modules and many other products have promoted and supported SDG localization. Governments and international
institutions have strengthened the capacity of national statistical systems to
produce disaggregated data at national
and subnational levels
and enhance mechanisms for monitoring, reporting
and evaluating the SDGs. The United Nations system has supported governments in the preparation of their voluntary national
reviews. Global efforts
have also built the capacity
of parliaments and supreme audit institutions to assess SDG implementation.
Capacity-building on policy integration and policy coherence has also developed rapidly since 2015. National governments (especially planning ministries) have built capacity
to analyse policy
synergies and trade-offs, conduct analyses of policy coherence, and seek increased policy integration. These
efforts have been supported by international and regional organizations through the development of models, toolkits
and related training.
A key component of strategies to build the capacity of public servants to implement and contribute to the 2030 Agenda is to provide them with guidance and guidelines that enable them to incorporate the SDGs in their daily work. This can range from basic awareness-raising products that aim to inform public servants in the context of their institution or organization, to training sessions, to more detailed guidance material that describe how the SDGs should be integrated into the various
processes of an organization, from procurement to reporting to communication. This is an area that has witnessed the development of increasingly diverse training and capacity-building materials.
Although capacity-building is mentioned as a priority in many voluntary national review reports, in general, limited information is available on existing gaps and SDG-related capacity-building activities. Among
the 24 countries examined in this report,
have conducted a comprehensive, government-wide assessment of capacities needed to implement
the SDGs. In some cases,
external audits have provided insights
in this regard.
As of 2020, capacity-building strategies and plans for SDG implementation at a whole-of-government level are also extremely rare. However, many countries have incorporated SDG-related concerns into capacity-building strategies and plans at the sector or thematic level. This includes
national strategies for the development of statistics.
Capacity-building efforts seem to have initially been driven largely by
the “supply side”, with important efforts made by international organizations and networks
to provide support
and training in key areas identified in the 2030 Agenda as needing strengthening, such as
planning and statistics. While an increased range of capacity-building products
has become available since 2015, the degree of customization of capacity-building activities to beneficiaries’ needs
is difficult to assess. Research done for this chapter also suggests a very fragmented
landscape, with capacity-building activities targeting different ministries, government agencies and public institutions with little apparent coordination among them. Fragmentation can lead to duplication of efforts and capacity-building materials
as well as missed opportunities for synergies.
In general, available information does not easily allow for a consolidated picture of ongoing efforts at the level of individual countries. Similarly, there is hardly
any evidence that the efforts
to enhance the capacity of civil servants,
parliamentarians and staff from other public
institutions to implement
the SDGs are evaluated.
In the context
of the COVID-19 pandemic, capacity-development efforts have been impacted in
different ways. An abrupt shift to online activities is the most obvious change spurred by the pandemic; however, little is known about the changes in learning outcomes that may have occurred because
of it, and about its longer-term impacts
for capacity in the public
A broader look at the impact of the COVID-19
pandemic on national
institutions and its implications for implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
At all times, national institutions are a key enabler of governments’ and other stakeholders’ actions to foster progress on all the SDGs. The pandemic and its
impacts have affected public institutions in different ways, which all have
implications for the implementation of the SDGs.
On a first level, the pandemic has directly impacted the ability of national governments and national
institutions to steer and monitor the SDGs as a programme of action. For instance, social
distancing measures have hampered the operations of national statistical
offices and the collection of data necessary for SDG monitoring. The resources
available to other key institutions tasked with SDG implementation may
also have decreased during the pandemic. The majority of countries presenting
VNRs in 2020 reported that COVID-19
had disrupted VNR preparations.
The massive
shock created by the pandemic has also created a range of risks, from decreased
political salience of the 2030 Agenda to hardened
resource constraints to the long-term goals embedded in the Agenda
becoming seen as secondary to urgent needs created by the socio-economic impacts of
pandemic. These risks have become more apparent as the pandemic lingered beyond its initial outbreak.
Among the key questions for governments is how to keep sight of the SDGs and how to preserve the policy and fiscal space to achieve the needed transformations they require while continuing to respond to the pandemic and managing recovery. While the choices of governments in this regard will depend
on a country’s context and circumstances, one key area of attention should be the articulation of the large public expenditures
that are currently made to respond to COVID-19 and support recovery,
and the longer-term strategies and plans to deliver the SDGs.
On a second level, the pandemic has affected broader national
institutional systems in ways that could hinder SDG implementation.
The pandemic has created major disruptions to the
functioning of governments as a whole and of specific public functions, including
policymaking, the provision
of basic services, law enforcement and the justice
system. It has severely tested
the resources of
institutions in individual sectors. Restrictions and social distancing measures
have challenged the working methods
and processes of virtually all public institutions, creating obstacles for the regular conduct of business and potentially undermining legislative oversight and other institutional checks and balances. As importantly, the pandemic has revealed limitations and potential for
improvement in cross-cutting dimensions of government action such as crisis
preparedness, science-policy interfaces, communication, and the use of digital government, which are important determinants of governments’ capacity to manage crises.
The capacity of
national institutions to foster policy integration in all its dimensions is
critical to setting visions, strategies and plans that align with the 2030 Agenda, devising and implementing coherent policies, and allocating resources accordingly. It has proven to be even more critical during the pandemic. Institutional arrangements for horizontal integration - the capacity of government departments to work together, for vertical integration across levels of government, and for engagement with non-State actors, have all been challenged, both in developed and developing countries.
The capacity of institutional
systems to promote efficient and effective public spending and limit
corruption, in particular through accountability and
oversight mechanisms, impacts the delivery of actions to promote the SDGs. It
became clear early on that emergency responses as well as measures adopted by governments to limit the economic and social impacts of the pandemic, such
as response and recovery packages, can increase risks to accountability and integrity, including through greater opportunities for fraud and corruption. Across countries, oversight institutions have deployed a wide range of mechanisms to enhance transparency and government accountability during the pandemic.
At a broader level,
the way in which institutions are set up and operate
in practice influences the trust that people place in them and their ability to promote transformation at the societal level (for example, through changing social norms or fostering whole-of-society approaches), which are necessary to achieve the SDGs. During
the pandemic, some governments have effected broader
changes in political
and institutional systems,
such as the adoption of emergency laws that allow rule by decree and the suspension of individual liberties which, in part depending on how they further
evolve, may have long-term negative consequences for human rights, particularly those of marginalized groups. In many countries, the pre-pandemic balance of power among institutions may be durably altered, with consequences for the relationship between States and their citizens and the capacity of societies to collectively set and follow
pathways to achieving
the SDGs.
At all these levels,
lessons learned from rapid institutional changes experienced by countries in response to COVID-19 should
inform efforts to recover from the pandemic and implement the Sustainable Development Goals.
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