New book: ‘LOCALISING THE TRANSFORMATION IN THE NEW NORMAL: A Domestic Resource Mobilization Framework for Sustainable Development Goals in Sri Lanka’

19th October 2020 Colombo, Sri Lanka

Editor-in-Chief and Lead Author, Uchita de Zoysa 

Domestic resource mobilisation is the responsibility of all countries committed towards implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The United Nations (UN) has estimated that US$5 trillion to US$7 trillion per year is needed between 2015 and 2030 to achieve the SDGs globally, and $3.3 trillion to $4.5 trillion per year in developing countries. Estimates also show that achieving the SDGs could open up US$ 12 trillion of market opportunities and create 380 million new jobs, and that action on climate change would result in savings of about US$ 26 trillion by 2030. Five years into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda), Sri Lanka is yet to estimate its financial commitment towards implementing the SDGs and has not assessed its potential gains from such an investment. Further, the country is yet to align its national economic policies, financial systems and investment strategies with the 2030 Agenda. In this context, Sri Lanka has not been able to mobilise additional external or internal resources required for transformative action towards achieving the SDGs.

‘LOCALISING THE TRANSFORMATION IN THE NEW NORMAL: A Domestic Resource Mobilization Framework for Sustainable Development Goals in Sri Lanka’ was published in October 2020. An Editorial and Research Team was led by Uchita de Zoysa (Editor-in-Chief and Lead Author), while Asoka Gunawardena (Co-Author) and Prof. Prasanthi Gunawardena (Co-Author) were joined by Contributing Authors and Researchers. The book was published jointly published by Janathakshan (GTE) Ltd. and the Centre for Environment and Development, with the support of the GIZ 2030 Transformation Fund. The book contains four main chapter; The Policy Context, The Localising Context, The Financing Context, and The Framework. 

The ‘Domestic Resource Mobilization Framework for SDGs in Sri Lanka’ is prepared and presented as an independent contribution to the national effort. An analysis is drawn from an independent monitoring, evaluation and review initiative that adopted a methodology to assess the performance and progress on the 169 SDG targets and its interlinkages. The analysis draws data and information from a wide range of options and included: (a) published official data and information (b) published independent stakeholder data and information (c) published news articles and reports (d) published international data and information (e) an online survey (f) consultations with experts drawn from stakeholders including central government institutions, provincial and local government institutions, civil society organisations, business sector organisations and chambers, banking and financial sector professionals, academics, researchers, and other domestic and international agencies. A group of researchers were engaged for a period of twelve months, spanning from September 2019 to August 2020; the team collected, streamlined, and analysed data and information towards drawing an integrated systems assessment of macro and micro dimensions of implementing the SDGs in Sri Lanka. The findings of this analysis then were also verified by selected thematic and sector experts to ensure best possible accuracy of the information and impartiality of the analysis. 

The proposed ‘Domestic Resource Mobilization Framework for SDGs in Sri Lanka’ is intended to support the efforts of the Government and its stakeholders towards implementing the SDGs in Sri Lanka. The Framework provides a platform to design policy instruments and strategic interventions towards advancing sustainable development. Aiming to provide greater strategic foresight, the Framework does not attempt to present a prescriptive proposal on national planning and budgeting. The Framework is to inspire resource mobilisation for transformative action across national, subnational and community levels as a whole of society. The objective of the Framework is to engage public, private, civil society and all stakeholders at national, subnational and community levels in reimagining domestic resource mobilisation, reorganising the resource flows, and reinvesting in transformational pathways towards the recalibration of the context of implementing the SDGs. 

  1. Reimagining domestic resource mobilisation is about recalibrating the approach to strategic foresight and transformative action towards advancing sustainable development. 
  2. Reorganising the resource flows is about recalibrating the approach to resource governance and redesigning of the policy frameworks and institutional structures towards facilitating a circular economy.
  3. Reinvesting in transformational pathways is about recalibrating the approach to ecosystem services and innovative financing towards facilitating a new state of inclusive prosperity. 

The scope of the Framework is defined by resource governance, resource relationships and resource regeneration; 

  1. Resource Governance is how resource flows are regulated and managed within the tiers of governance, national-provincial-local, as well as the self-governance of resources by non-state actors including international, private, civil society, community and individuals.  
  2. Resource Relationships are how the flow of resources through investment and financing transpire between different stakeholders and actors 
  3. Resource Regeneration is how resources are invested within the ecosystem for intra-generational equity and harvested for inter-generational equity. 

Localising the Transformation in the New Normal should not be simply to survive the COVID-19 Pandemic. Transformation is a complex exercise towards achieving sustainable development. The Domestic Resource Mobilization Framework for Sustainable Development Goals in Sri Lanka, provides a platform to design policy instruments and strategic interventions towards advancing the transformation. The Framework is a linkages model of elements, facilitating the recalibration of the contexts that SDGs are implemented across the governance tiers and supported by tools. While the sixteen proposed Elements would individually have certain specific impacts on the four Contexts, collectively as an integrated system it would create a holistic and transformative impact towards sustainable development. The four categories of Tools that are offered to facilitate the application of the Framework will need to be customised according to the needs and situations of the four Tiers of Governance.  It is formulated to guide an inclusive prosperity in Sri Lanka, and as a transformative model for the rest of the world. 

In the coming weeks and months, we intend to organise a series of capacity building workshops for the public, private, civil society, academic, professional sectors and other selected stakeholder groups. We would like to discuss with you to organize an online Introductory Workshop on the ‘Domestic Resource Mobilization Framework for Sustainable Development Goals in Sri Lanka’. Upon registration and participation of the workshop, we will share with you a free e-copy of the full publication and discuss with you our next steps for capacity building in collaboration with your organisation. For further clarifications on the Framework and the Publication, please feel free to communicate with The Editor-in-Chief and Lead Author, Uchita de Zoysa (email: or mobile: 0777372206). 


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