Power points now available from National Council for Sustainable Development Workshop held before the HLPF

Organized by Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future for the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE), co-sponsored by the United Nations Office of Intergovernmental Support and Coordination for Sustainable Development – UNDESA, and in cooperation with the Friends of Governance for Sustainable Development a Pre-HLPF Workshop on 8 July 2019 – UN HQ, New York was held on the theme of National Councils for Sustainable Development and Other Similar Multi-Stakeholder Platforms: Exploring Their Role in Reviewing and Being an Implementation Agent for the 2030 Agenda

The workshop aimed to:
  • Initiate a global dialogue to exchange experiences, lessons learned, identify good practice, and reveal gaps in cross-sectoral and cross-governance exchange that could be more effectively addressed by councils and platforms at all levels; and
  • Assess how National Councils for Sustainable Development and other types of multi-stakeholder platforms can help countries and governments deliver the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
There are power points on the following presentations available on the Friends of Governance for Sustainable Development web site here and the Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future here.

Session 2: Setting the Scene: The current state of National Councils and similar multi-stakeholder platforms and their role in implementing the 2030 Agenda

  • Ingeborg Niestroy, Senior Fellow, The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies 

Session 3: With the help of NCSDs and other similar multi-stakeholder platforms, how can governments develop and deliver their national sustainable development strategies?

  • Günther Bachmann, Secretary-General, German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) 
  • Pia Björkbacka, Adviser for International Affairs, Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions & Stakeholder Member of Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development 
  • Sara Hamouda, SDGs & Agenda 2063 Expert, African Peer Review Mechanism Continental Secretariat, South Africa 

Session 4: The role of NCSDs and other similar multi-stakeholder platforms in Financing for Sustainable Development: This session will look at key Means of Implementation issues from the 2030 Agenda and Addis Ababa Action Agenda.

  • Jorge Fernandez-Quintela, Delegate of the Basque Country to the United States: Financing to promote the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030: The Basque Government Sustainability Bond 
  • Rik F. van Hemmen, President and Senior Partner, Martin, Ottaway, Van Hemmen & Dolan, Inc., on the role of technology 
  • Felipe Morgado, Senior Manager, Government Relations UN Global Compact, on the industry perspective 
  • Francesca Perucci, Assistant Director, Statistics Division the United Nations on using the data revolution to achieve the SDGs 


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