Dear Friends,
I just realized I had not put this on my blog - it has been on other platforms I use.

I am letting all of you know that I did not make the short list for the UNEP Executive Director.
But I have to say I did have fun standing :-)
Hopefully whoever is chosen will take up some of the ideas I ran on.
I am looking forward to hearing who the new Executive Director will be and working with them in whatever way possible to help make UNEP great again ;-).

The next few years UNEP will need strong and visionary leadership as we address the reviews of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement and as we move onward towards the 50th anniversary in 2022.
I wanted to thank all of you for your support and messages.

Meanwhile, as mentioned in my last blog, my new book has been submitted to Routledge for a July publication.

Stakeholder Democracy: Represented Democracy in a Time of Fear I hope will embed a greater understanding of what role stakeholders can play in stabilizing our democracies.


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